“Still coming. More complicated mode to make”: XDefiant is Working Tirelessly to Introduce One Mode That Could Make it the New Counter-Strike

Spoiler alert: it's something Ubisoft already has experience with!

xdefiant, counter strike


  • XDefiant's executive producer, Mark Rubin, has recently confirmed that a Search and Destroy mode is in the works for the game.
  • The inclusion of a Search and Destroy mode could potentially elevate XDefiant to become a true competitor to Counter-Strike.
  • Implementing the mode is a complex task, as it requires careful balancing of XDefiant's unique factions and abilities with the tactical, round-based gameplay.
  • However, Ubisoft's experience in creating engaging PvP experiences, such as Rainbow Six Siege, suggests they have the expertise to create a successful Search and Destroy mode.
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In the competitive FPS business, few games have achieved the iconic status that Counter-Strike has. Its thriving esports scene and intense, tactical gameplay have managed to captivate millions of players worldwide (for years!), setting the standard for competitive shooters.


Now, Ubisoft’s latest foray into the free-to-play shooter genre, XDefiant, is gearing up to introduce a mode that could potentially challenge Counter-Strike‘s long-standing dominance.

Since its release, XDefiant has garnered attention thanks to its unique blend of elements and characters from other Ubisoft franchises with fast-paced arena shooter gameplay. But there’s one thing that could take XDefiant to the next level and cement its place as a true competitor to Counter-Strike: the inclusion of a Search and Destroy mode.


The Community’s Burning Question

Promotional artwork
“Bringing Universes Together in a Competitive Shooter.” | Ubisoft

Despite its initial success, fans have been clamoring for the addition of a Search and Destroy-style game mode to XDefiant‘s lineup. Finally putting some of the speculations and rumors to rest, the game’s executive producer, Mark Rubin, addressed the community’s burning questions in a recent exchange on X:

When a user explicitly asked, “What about SnD?” referring to Search and Destroy, Rubin confirmed:

This direct confirmation has ignited excitement within the XDefiant community about the potential inclusion of the iconic Search and Destroy mode that has defined the Counter-Strike series for over two decades.


The Key to XDefiant‘s Long-Term Success

Promotional artwork for Ubisoft's free-to-play arena first-person-shooter, XDefiant.
Promotional artwork for XDefiant. | Ubisoft

If XDefiant were to introduce the Search and Destroy mode, it could be a game-changer for the title. Imagine the intense, high-stakes, round-based gameplay of Counter-Strike combined with the unique factions and abilities of XDefiant. The possibilities are endless, with each faction bringing its own unique strategies and playstyles to the table.

Of course, implementing such a mode is no small feat for a game that offers such a diverse range of abilities and tactics for each faction. As Rubin himself acknowledged, it’s a “more complicated mode to make.”

Balancing the intricacies of a tactical, round-based mode with the fast-paced, ability-driven gameplay of XDefiant will undoubtedly require careful planning and extensive testing before it goes live.

A scene from the XDefiant Season 1 reveal trailer.
The countdown for Season 1 has begun. | Ubisoft

As XDefiant continues to evolve and grow, the potential introduction of the Search and Destroy mode could be the key to its long-term success. By providing a fresh spin on a beloved classic, XDefiant can carve out its niche in the competitive FPS market and attract a dedicated player base looking for a new challenge.

Ubisoft’s proven experience in creating engaging and balanced PvP experiences, as seen in titles such as Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, leaves no doubt that they have what it takes to create a mode that lives up to the high standards set by Counter-Strike and Call of Duty.

Only time will tell if XDefiant can dethrone Counter-Strike as the king of tactical, round-based shooters. However, one thing is certain: the future looks quite bright for the game if (and that’s a big “IF”) the developers can maintain their current level of activity, continue listening to player feedback, and remain transparent with their fanbase.


XDefiant is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, with cross-platform play supported.


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 49

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!