“The best playable game of Summer Games Fest”: Not Black Myth: Wukong or Shadow of the Erdtree, But Another Souls Experience was Causing Waves at Geoff Keighley’s Gaming Extravaganza

Phantom Blade Zero is competing for attention against heavy hitters like Shadow of the Erdtree!

geoff keighley, black myth: wukong, shadow of the erdtree
credit: wikimedia commons/Rhain


  • Shadow of the Erdtree and Black Myth: Wukong are eagerly awaited by fans of Soulslike titles.
  • Phantom Blade Zero by S-GAME is another contender for this spotlight and has set a very good impression.
  • One content creator praised the title highly, calling it the best playable game at Summer Game Fest.
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When it comes to Soulslikes, the world is currently talking about Shadow of the Erdtree and Black Myth: Wukong. While the former is an expansion to one of the best games of the current generation, the latter is a game people have been waiting on for nearly half a decade.


Both of these titles have received some new media representation regarding them recently, with Red Bull Levels offering exclusive gameplay of the Elden Ring DLC and Summer Game Fest finally giving us a release date for Wukong. However, there was one other title that had many Soulslike fans excited for its release.

Phantom Blade Zero Steals Some Thunder from Shadow of the Erdtree and Wukong

Shadow of the Erdtree is close to release, but it's not the only awaited Soulslike.
Shadow of the Erdtree is close to release, but it’s not the only awaited Soulslike.

The Soulslike genre has grown exponentially in terms of fans and titles available. FromSoftware may not have known the impact their initial games would have on the gaming industry, but it now seems almost every studio is trying to incorporate some references, features, and mechanics from Miyazaki’s game into their title.


S-GAME, too, is trying to capture the attention of the Soulslike fandom with their upcoming project, Phantom Blade Zero. Revealed back in May of 2023, the game received an all-new trailer during this year’s Summer Game Fest, and it showed enough to stick in the minds of many. The game features fast-paced combat and a unique fantastical world and borrows elements from various FromSoftware titles to feel familiar yet original.

The developers over at S-GAME have taken inspiration from a variety of sources, such as Miura’s Berserk, kung fu films from the 80s and 90s, as well as fan-favorite games such as Bloodborne and Ninja Gaiden 2. With such muses guiding the project’s development, it’s no wonder @HipHopGamer and many others felt it was one of the best playable games at Summer Game Fest!


The trailer for Phantom Blade Zero showed that the game is adopting the fast-paced combat system of Bloodborne and the parry mechanics of Sekiro. Animations look beautiful, the set-pieces are stunning and the Wuxia-inspired martial arts will ensure combat looks not only flashy but also impactful.

S-GAME’s Connection to FromSoftware Goes Deeper than Inspiration

The game is going to feature fantastical elements with aggressive combat situations.
The game is going to feature fantastical elements with aggressive combat situations.

The developers at the studio are very open with their inspiration for the game, but the learnings go beyond just observing other games. S-GAME’s Vice President, Michael Chang, was a former developer at FromSoftware with hands-on experience working on the studio’s initial projects, Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls.

Considering these games set the formula not only for FromSoftware but for Soulslikes in general, expectations for Phantom Blade Zero are very high. Another inspiration for the title was Sloclap’s Sifu. S-GAME has stated it felt Sifu was the first title to properly implement Chinese martial arts in gaming, and it has decided to take certain cues for combat in Phantom Blade Zero.


It will match Sifu’s quick combat scheme but will rely more on weapons than being bare-handed. It seems Chinese martial arts are picking up in the gaming industry, as Where Winds Meet is another upcoming project with Wuxia-style combat.

What were your initial thoughts on Phantom Blade Zero? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 318

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.