“That is a combination that players on console are hungry for”: Riot Devs Reveal ‘Highly Tactical’ Reason Valorant Console Release Can Beat Overwatch 2

Riot is set to take the console FPS market by storm, too!

Valorant and Overwatch 2


  • Valorant's Production Director Arnar Gylfason believes that the game's highly tactical combat and player expression will be a winning combination on consoles.
  • Valorant has carved out its own niche in the highly competitive FPS market on PC, thanks to its unique blend of precise gunplay, strategic ability usage, and a diverse cast of agents.
  • Translating Valorant's keyboard-and-mouse-centric gameplay to a controller has been a significant challenge, but Riot Games is confident they've found a winning formula.
  • With its proven track record of success on PC and a commitment to delivering the full Valorant experience on consoles, the game is set to make a big impact on the console FPS market.
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In the sea of competitive first-person shooters in the market, few games have made as big a splash as Valorant. Since its PC release in 2020, Riot Games’ tactical shooter has taken the genre by storm, carving out its own unique niche and even establishing itself as a major player in the esports scene in such a short period of time.


Now, with the game’s highly-anticipated Console Limited Beta in full swing, the question on everyone’s mind is: can Valorant replicate its success on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S?

According to Riot Games developers, the answer is a resounding yes. In fact, they believe that Valorant‘s unique blend of tactical gameplay and player expression could give it a significant edge over competitors like Overwatch 2.


The Valorant Formula for Success

Valorant image featuring Cypher playing a game of chess.
Cypher indulges himself with a game of chess. | Riot Games

Valorant‘s meteoric rise on PC can be attributed to its focus on strategic, skill-based gameplay. The game’s round-based, attackers-vs-defenders format encourages players to think carefully about their positioning, ability usage, and economic management.

This tactical depth, combined with precise gunplay and a diverse cast of agents with game-changing abilities, has made Valorant a hit among competitive players and casual fans alike.

In a recent dev diary video, Valorant‘s Production Director Arnar Gylfason shed light on what sets the game apart from its competitors on console:


There are components of VAL that exist in other games on console. What VAL brings that is maybe different is its highly tactical combat that has high highs and low lows, [allowing] for a tremendous amount of expression from the player. And we believe that is a combination that players on console are hungry for.

Over the past four years, Valorant has established itself as a major player in the esports scene, with numerous high-profile tournaments and a thriving professional circuit.

The game’s success has been majorly fueled by its accessibilitywith low system requirements and a free-to-play model that has attracted a diverse player base from around the world.

Bringing the Tactical Experience to Consoles

Valorant Limited Console Beta artwork featuring one of the game's many playable agents, Viper.
Promotional artwork for the console debut. | Riot Games

As the Valorant Console Limited Beta continues, Riot Games is focused on translating the game’s signature tactical gameplay and player expression to a new platform and audience.


The developers have been working tirelessly to adapt the game’s keyboard-and-mouse-centric gameplay to a controller, ensuring that console players can execute the same split-second decisions and clutch plays as their PC counterparts.

As Valorant Executive Producer Andy Ho explains in the dev diary:

Obviously, controllers are very different from mouse and keyboard. So, figuring out how to adapt Valorant to still feel like Valorant on console but through a different control paradigm definitely took a lot of effort and was one of our biggest challenges.

To address this challenge, Riot Games has introduced a new “Focus Mode” for the console version, which functions similarly to hip-fire but with reduced sensitivity. This allows players to use hip-fire for speed when moving their camera/aim, while switching on focus mode for more precision.

Valorant screenshot featuring Focus Mode, a new console-exclusive feature in action.
The console-exclusive “Focus Mode” in action. | Riot Games

The developers are also actively seeking feedback from beta participants to refine the console experience further. Gylfason further notes:

We are so dependent on console players joining the beta and telling us, where are we doing it right? Where are we not doing it right? We’re excited to engage directly with players so that they can help us grow and make this game amazing for everyone.

This commitment to player feedback and iterative development bodes well for Valorant‘s future on consoles. By listening to the community and refining the game based on their input, Riot Games is positioning itself to deliver a truly exceptional tactical shooter experience that can stand toe-to-toe with the best in the genre.

With its unique blend of tactical gameplay, player expression, and a proven track record of success on PC, Valorant could very well become the go-to competitive shooter for console players in the years to come.


VALORANT is available on PC via Riot’s official website and the Epic Games Store, with a limited beta for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S currently in full swing.


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 51

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!