“That is NOT Blade”: Ryan Reynolds Ruling Out Wesley Snipes Cameo in Deadpool & Wolverine Due to Past Rivalry Rumor Debunked by Insider

It's not Blade, let alone Wesley Snipes!

wesley snipes, deadpool & wolverine


  • Recently it was rumored that Wesley Snipes will make a cameo as Blade in Deadpool 3.
  • It was later debunked by industry insider, saying that a viral photo of a Blade lookalike is not as it seems.
  • Reynolds and Snipes did not have a good working relationship during Blade: Trinity.
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Deadpool & Wolverine starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in leading roles is all set for a release next month. Since its first trailer drop, fans have been eagerly waiting to see what the movie has in store for us. But with new rumors and more fan theories than we can count emerging everyday, it has become a little difficult to keep track of everything.

Fans are hoping Deadpool & Wolverine delicers big time with its multuiversal storytelling | Marvel Studios
Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

Recently, an image from the movie revealed a Blade lookalike. Given the number of cameos that Deadpool 3 is supposed to have, fans were quick to assume that the man in the background was either Wesley Snipes or Sticky Fingaz, both of whom have played the character of the vampire hunter. But now, we have another update.

Deadpool & Wolverine Does Not Have Wesley Snipes’ Blade

When a still from Deadpool & Wolverine was recently released, fans were quick to point out that a man similar to Blade can be seen in the background. While he did not look like Mahershala Ali, who has been cast as the vampire hunter for the upcoming reboot, fans assumed that it could be Wesley Snipes, who has previously played the character in the Blade trilogy.

Ryan Reynolds starred alongsdie Wesley Snipes in Blade Trinity which had a troubled production | New Line Cinema
Ryan Reynolds starred alongside Wesley Snipes in Blade Trinity which had a troubled production | New Line Cinema

Incidentally, Ryan Reynolds was also part of the trilogy, and was seen in the third and final installment, Blade: Trinity, in the role of Hannibal King. Some though, debunked the theory, saying it won’t be Snipes, given his and Reynolds’ less-than-stellar past. And now we have confirmation. Industry scooper MyTimeToShineHello recently came out to reveal that it was not even Blade in the background, let alone Wesley Snipes.

While some rumors said that Reynolds ruled out a Blade cameo by Snipes because of their past rivalry, this revelation clears that up. According to the scooper, the man in the background is just a random person, and not Blade. Some fans also said that Sticky Fingaz could be the one to make a cameo given Reynolds and Snipes don’t share a cordial relationship, but looks like it’s none of them.

Ryan Reynolds and Wesley Snipes Did Not Get Along During Blade: Trinity

Wesley Snipes does not have a good rapport with quite a few people he has worked with over the years, and Ryan Reynolds is just another name on the list. During the filming of Blade: Trinity, where the duo worked together, Snipes allegedly was not too cooperative, came to sets late, and did not get along well with his co-stars. Even though Hannibal King was supposed to be a secondary character, Reynolds, and the rest of the supporting cast, had to step up and give the movie more than they initially planned for. Talking to AV Club, Patton Oswalt, who was also part of the movie, said:


A lot of the lines that Ryan Reynolds has were just a result of Wesley not being there. We would all just think of things for him to say and then cut to Wesley’s face not doing anything because that’s all we could get from him.

Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity (2004)
Ryan Reynolds as Hannibal King in Blade: Trinity (2004)

According to Reynolds, he never really met the real Wesley Snipes when they were working together, as the latter was always in character, and brooding somewhere out of the reach of the rest of the people present on set. The supporting cast had their work cut out for them as Snipes rarely spoke. And Reynolds, the new kid in the block, tried his very best to make Snipes break character, which did not go well with the actor either. But the Deadpool actor has immense respect for Snipes and his way of getting things done, which he revealed during an interview with IGN back in 2012.

My personality is the polar opposite of Wesley. I never met Wesley, I only met Blade, and he is a method actor. Say what you want about that style of acting, I have the utmost respect for whatever it takes to get through this process… So whatever it takes for him or anyone else to get through that in a way that is artistically fulfilling to them, I have the utmost respect for.

Whether Snipes does end up having a cameo, or we get no Blade whatsoever, Deadpool 3, Marvel Studios’ only movie to be released this year, has garnered significant attention from moviegoers. With the previous two installments having had tremendous success, the third movie is also expected to break some records. Deadpool & Wolverine will be released on July 26, 2024.

Swagata Das

Written by Swagata Das

Articles Published: 279

Swagata works as a Senior Features Editor at FandomWire. Having previously worked as a Content Writer, her passion for everything pop culture became her true calling as she now works with a global team of writers to brainstorm unique, groundbreaking ideas. Having done her Masters in English Literature, Swagata is a self-professed K-Pop addict with an affinity to work her charms on unsuspecting friends to induct them into the fandom cult.