“That would be my fear too”: Todd Howard and Bethesda Will Never Abandon Single-Player for 1 Simple Reason

Can Bethesda avoid bringing game-breaking bugs and glitches, though?

Todd Howard and Bethesda Studios
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/IceWelder


  • In the gaming world, Bethesda is a known name for its wonderful single-player games.
  • Over the years, many players have wondered if Bethesda will ever move away from this genre.
  • However, Todd Howard and his team have confirmed that they'll never abandon single-player games.
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There’s nothing quite memorable like a single-player experience. Over the decades, single-player titles have brought players a level of immersion and intimacy that simply can’t be matched by multiplayer experiences. One of the top dogs in the single-player genre is undoubtedly the fan-favorite studio, Bethesda.


Bethesda’s library of games is filled with incredible single-player titles that have left their mark on the gaming landscape. The studio’s foundation series are Elder Scrolls and Fallout, but we’ve also seen them moving towards new IPs such as Starfield. Despite the genre’s downfall in recent years, Bethesda’s creative director, Todd Howard, and his team have sworn that they’ll never abandon single-player games!

Bethesda Leads Assures That They Will Never Stop Making Single-Player Games

Bethesda will never move away from single-player games | Steam

It’s fair to say that the last few years haven’t proven to be the best ones for single-player titles. We’ve seen multiple gaming companies switching to the multiplayer formula. This has led to many wondering what the future has in store for the studio behind Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises. So far, the studio has been synonymous with its love for single-player games, but as Fallout 76 shows, it’s keen to explore multiplayer experiences.


However, Howard has stepped in again to reassure players that Bethesda’s main focus will always be single-player games. In an interview with The Guardian, Howard talked about the various aspects of Bethesda’s game development and acknowledged the player’s fear of the industry completely abandoning single-player games.

It’s understandable. That would be my fear too.

Although Bethesda has been expanding into areas beyond multiplayer titles for a while, none of those, according to Pete Hines, come at the expense of single-player games. The single-player games have indeed had a bumpy ride recently, but it’s still what makes Bethesda who they are. Howard and his team believe that there’s still room to grow and stories to unravel, which could possibly change how we look at this particular genre of games.

Despite its recent failures, such as Starfield, Bethesda plans to stay within the genre. One flop doesn’t change the company’s entire direction. They still have tons of influential IPs that can be used to make them the kings of the gaming industry again.


What’s Next For Bethesda Games?

Bethesda’s upcoming projects | Steam

Although Bethesda might not have had the best year in 2023, it could’ve been a lot worse. Starfield was quite well-received but ultimately didn’t sit well with fans as the company had hoped. On the publishing side, Redfall was a massive disaster, which they probably want to forget. However, now it’s time to look at what Bethesda has on the cards moving forward.

First up, Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is undoubtedly Bethesda and MachineGames’ major release for the year. Featuring Indy’s iconic whip-sharp retorts and, well, his actual whip, it’s the kind of experience we’ve been waiting for since the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

After that, we’re likely to see the highly-anticipated The Elder Scrolls 6. With so much love for the franchise, it’s no surprise that Bethesda wants to capitalize on it and release the game as soon as possible. Currently, very little is known about the project, but all roads lead to the game releasing in 2026 or later.


Lastly, we have another Fallout entry. After the disaster of Fallout 76, Bethesda really needs to put together a game for the next chapter in this popular series. It’s still unknown what our return to the post-apocalyptic world will look like, and it’ll be a long time before we ever find out.


Written by Dhruv Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 123

Dhruv has been an avid gamer all his life, with an emphasis on multiplayer titles. After switching to PC, he has dabbled in the world of GTA Online ever since its release. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.