“The Carnegies and Rockefellers needed worker bees”: Racists are Not Ready for James Gandolfini’s The Sopranos Scene That Exposed the American Immigration System

The Sopranos has many truth bombs that might be a bit too hard to swallow for some

The Sopranos


  • The Sopranos is one of the greatest TV shows ever made.
  • A scene between James Gandolfini and Lorraine Bracco, is a truth bomb, in the show.
  • Daniel Radcliffe does not like shows like The Sopranos, and gives his reason for it.
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The Sopranos is a crime drama series that ran for 6 long seasons from 1999 to 2007. Starring James Gandolfini in the lead as an Italian mafia boss named Tony Soprano, the show has become a significant part of television history. Known as one of the greatest TV shows ever made, The Sopranos is considered one of the most influential series of all time. And the numerous Emmys and Golden Globes are just a small part of that success.

Edie Falco and James Gandolfini as Carmela and Tony Soprano in The Sopranos
Edie Falco and James Gandolfini in The Sopranos | HBO

One of the greatest shows, The Sopranos is also known for its writing as well as acting. The cast of the show is considered one of the very best that ever came together, and the writing for the show was always top-notch, touching on various issues and was not just about a mafia man’s familial drama. And one scene between Gandolfini’s Tony and Lorraine Bracco’s Jennifer Melfi, who plays Tony’s therapist in the show was definitely a food for thought moment from the show.

A Scene From The Sopranos That Felt Too Real

The Sopranos has many scenes that touch a bit too close to home. With a story based on an Italian-American mafia boss living in New Jersey as he balances his life of crime with that of his family, the show’s writing is always regarded as one of the best ever produced in television. One such scene between James Gandolfini and Lorraine Bracco exposed the truth behind the American Immigration system, that no one can deny.

James Gandolfini fas tony Soprano from a scene in The Sopranos
James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano

The X account @historyinmemes recently shared a clip from the HBO show between Tony and his therapist Jennifer. There he talks about the American Immigration system and the truth behind why it was in place. The character of Tony Soprano can be seen saying:

When America opened the floodgates and let us all Italians in, what is it do you think they were doing it for? Because they were trying to save us from poverty? No. They did it because they needed us. They needed us to build their cities and dig their subways and make them richer. The Carnegies and Rockefellers needed worker bees.

This throws a harsh light on the topic of immigration and the life of immigrants in the USA. While it is the American Dream that drew many people in, truthfully, the dream was mostly shown by people who needed people to dotheir jobs for them. And this became the dream for everyone.

Harry Potter Star Daniel Radcliffe Refuses to Watch The Sopranos

While the show is considered to be one of the greatest ever made, there are also people who have never watched The Sopranos. And incidentally, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is one of them. The long-running heavy drama is not for him, and he avoids these shows completely. Speaking to Comic Book Resources, Radcliffe said:


I’ve never seen ‘Breaking Bad.’ I’ve never watched ‘The Sopranos’ or ‘The Wire.’ All the sort of heavy, hour-long stuff. Just, I can’t.

Daniel Radcliffe
Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe ( image credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Instead of these drama-heavy series, he prefers cartoons and reality TV. We get where he coming from, as most cartoons and every reality TV hardly need to be watched regularly and don’t take up a lot of our time. But of well, we can’t be so sure about the drama-heavy bit there either. But we guess, to each their own. If there is one thing we can say, is that people would not regret if they ever dived deep into the world of Tony and The Sopranos.

The Sopranos is available for streaming on Max.

Swagata Das

Written by Swagata Das

Articles Published: 277

Swagata works as a Senior Features Editor at FandomWire. Having previously worked as a Content Writer, her passion for everything pop culture became her true calling as she now works with a global team of writers to brainstorm unique, groundbreaking ideas. Having done her Masters in English Literature, Swagata is a self-professed K-Pop addict with an affinity to work her charms on unsuspecting friends to induct them into the fandom cult.