“The map expansion… That’s a much more meaningful one”: Todd Howard Rules Out a Popular Game Mode for Fallout 76

Fallout 76 expands its universe with Skyline Valley! Discover the latest content and Bethesda's strategic focus moving forward.

fallout 76


  • Todd Howard hinted that expeditions might not receive frequent updates, as Bethesda prioritizes expanding the game's geographical footprint.
  • While map expansions offer new areas to explore, some fans worry that neglecting expeditions could limit Fallout 76's long-term appeal.
  • Released on June 12th, the Skyline Valley update brings a new storyline, and region boss and expands the game world significantly.
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Fallout 76 recently received its first big update called Skyline Valley which introduced a whole new area in the map. Alongside the new map expansion, it added features like a new thrilling questline, a new regional boss, new enemies to face, and a new character type, Ghoul.

Skyline Valley is the first ever map extension for Fallout 76
Fallout 76 recently released its first map expansion called Skyline Valley on June 12th | Bethesda Studios

However, Todd Howard recently revealed some information about a popular game mode, Expeditions, which might not see many updates in the future patches, as the developers are more focused on bringing more geographical updates.

Todd Howard’s Insights on the Future of Expeditions in Fallout 76

Ever since its shaky and controversial launch in 2018, Fallout 76 has seen many significant updates. The game has evolved from a somewhat isolated multiplayer into a more community-driven experience. One of the unique features added in the later update was expeditions.

ruling out Expeditions entirely may limit the game's ability to maintain player interaction in the long term.
Expeditions are unique to Fallout 76 and not updating them might be a missed opportunity | Bethesda

Expeditions introduce a PvE game mode where players explore specific limited areas in the game. In these areas, players will encounter many NPCs who will delve deeper into the lore and can even face new enemies. Players find expedition areas, like The Pitt (2022) and Atlantic City (2023), are engaging and immersive to explore.

However, in a recent interview with MrMattyPlays on YouTube, Todd Howard was asked about the future plans for the Expedition mode. At first, he liked the idea and appeal of the game mode but later emphasized that Bethesda is currently focused on expanding the game’s map, like with the major update, Skyline Valley.

I think expeditions are good, they are ok. The map expansion, we feel is much better… you know, we are dropping this big free content updates. I think that’s a much more meaningful one. We are going to see how Skyline Valley does. There’s another part to it that then is coming as well.

Howard’s comment concerns the fans as it might be considered that Bethesda is focused on map expansion and may rule out expeditions entirely. The fans, who like the idea of Expedition’s varied and dynamic gameplay experience, want more maps and content added.


Many fans believe that solely focusing on increasing the game’s map is good and provides new content/areas to explore but ignoring Expeditions entirely may limit the game’s ability to maintain player interaction in the long term.

Community and Developer’s Perspectives on Fallout 76

fallout 76
Bethesda is looking to release more map expansion updates in the future. | Fallout 76

The gaming community loves Fallout 76’s engaging storytelling and believes that its game mode Expeditions, (only available in F76) adds more depth to the game’s lore by offering more focused and narrative-driven quests, that are outside the main map.

As the game has received many updates over 6 years, Howard paid close attention to the community’s feedback which helped him shape the game’s future updates and map expansions. Whether or not, Bethesda decides to explore Expeditions is unknown but one thing is clear, the studio wants to improve and expand the game’s reach.


In the end, fans can enjoy the game with its latest map expansion update called Skyline Valley which added a new area to explore. However, let’s hope that expeditions are not forgotten as it can be a missed opportunity to increase engagement within the community.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 150

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.