“There is no point in doing it over and over again”: George Lucas Doesn’t Share One Nasty Habit of a Hollywood God Who Revolutionized Space Sci-fi Before Star Wars

Filmmaker George Lucas is considered one of the best directors in the sci-fi genre but did not share one infamous habit of a Hollywood legend.

george lucas, star wars, sci-fi
credit: wikimedia commons/Chin tin tin


  • George Lucas received critical acclaim for directing 1977's Star Wars, and later returned to helm the prequels era of the franchise.
  • According to stunt coordinator Nick Gillard, Lucas wasn't interested in multiple takes, an approach sci-fi legend Stanley Kubrick was infamous for.
  • Gillard also revealed that Lucas' favorite part of making Star Wars movies was editing and he couldn't wait to get to the editing room.
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George Lucas directed the original Star Wars movie, which launched the epic space opera saga in 1977. The film earned Lucas critical and commercial, spawning a franchise that has become a pop culture sensation. The filmmaker later returned to direct the entirety of the prequel trilogy of the franchise.

George Lucas
George Lucas directed some of the best sci-fi movies in Star Wars (Credit: BBC News Night).

Despite his lengthy tenure as a director, Lucas never resorted to one filmmaking technique made infamous by one of the greatest directors in the sci-fi genre. Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard shed additional light on Lucas’ approach to direction in the Star Wars franchise. Here is what Gillard revealed about the difference between Lucas and one sci-fi legend’s direction style.

George Lucas Did Not Follow Stanley Kubrick’s Footsteps While Directing Star Wars

Filmmaker George Lucas is best known for his work on the Star Wars franchise, which cemented him as one of the best sci-fi directors. After completing the original trilogy, Lucas returned to the galaxy far, far away for the prequels, with Nick Gillard serving as stunt co-ordinator.

George Lucas
George Lucas was the opposite of Stanley Kubrick when it came to directing Star Wars (Credit: AMC).

In an issue of the Star Wars Insider Magazine, Gillard spoke about Lucas’ direction skills and addressed the rumors that most scenes in The Phantom Menace were filmed with minimal takes. He said:

That’s not always the case. When George gets something right, then is no point in doing it over and over again.

Gillard’s comments hinted that Lucas was not interested in taking multiple takes. As a result, Lucas’ approach was the direct opposite of sci-fi legend Stanley Kubrick.

Kubrick directed the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is widely considered one of the best sci-fi films ever made. However, to achieve the desired result in most of his movies, Kubrick relied on filming multiple takes and was quite notorious for the same. Hence, Lucas achieved a similarly legendary status in the sci-fi space without following in Kubrick’s footsteps.


Nick Gillard Reveals George Lucas’ Favorite Part of Making Star Wars

During the same issue of the magazine, Nick Gillard also touched upon other aspects of Lucas’ direction style. Since the filmmaker has himself admitted to not being a fan of directing, it was a surprise to see Lucas return to helm all three installments in the prequel trilogy of Star Wars.

Editing was George Lucas’ favorite part of directing the Star Wars prequels (Credit: Lucasfilm).

As a result, Gillard was asked about which part of the filmmaking process Lucas enjoyed the most while working on the Star Wars franchise. In response, he stated the following:

Loose, fast, intense, and very, very focused, He knows exactly what he needs, to do to get into the editing room and he can’t wait to get there. He wants to get into the editing room as quickly as possible that his favorite part.

From Gillard’s words, it is evident that Lucas still did not enjoy directing as much.


However, the filmmaker’s favorite part was editing when it came to Star Wars movies. Considering the exceptional sound and visual effects involved in transporting viewers to the galaxy far, far away it is easy to understand why editing is Lucas’ favorite part.

The Star Wars movies and TV shows are streaming on Disney+. 

Pratik Handore

Written by Pratik Handore

Articles Published: 558

Pratik is a writer at FandomWire, with a content writing experience of five years. Although he has a Bachelors in Hospitality, his fascination with all things pop culture led him to writing articles on a variety of topics ranging from latest streaming releases to unheard movie trivia. When not writing, you can find him reading manga, or watching classic TV shows.