“This confirms that the next Fallout is coming from an external team”: Bethesda’s Inner Workings Revealed and its Bad News for Fallout 5 Hopefuls

Fans are going to have to keep waiting.

Fallout 5


  • To the disappointment of many fans, Fallout 5 might be farther away than they thought.
  • In a recent interview with a YouTuber, Todd Howard, Bethesda's main representative, spoke about the future of the franchise.
  • Howard said the game is in development, but the company won't rush to release it. Furthermore, it appears that the company's structure could have assigned this title to an external studio for development.
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Following the overwhelming success of the Fallout series on Prime Video, many fans thought Bethesda would speed up the development of the next main game in the franchise. Unfortunately, this was dismissed in a recent interview with Todd Howard, where he talked about the future of these games and how the company is handling them. 


The head of the video game giant said there was no rush to make this fifth installment. He also added that the studio’s structure is divided into several parts, so the game could potentially be developed by an external studio, but it is still quite far from release.

Fallout 5 Seems Farther Away Than Ever

Fallout 5 could be farther than fans expected.
Fallout 5 could be farther than fans expected.

With the recent resurgence of video game adaptations, which appear to be doing very well, the industry is going through a strange moment. Video game series such as Fallout are driving the popularity of video games to unprecedented levels, while also compelling studios to accelerate their development processes to keep up with the demand. This could create conflict and not help the anxiety fans already had about seeing new games from this IP.


In a recent interview with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard, the head of Bethesda, spoke about the company’s future. In the same interview, he answered many questions about the wasteland saga and its future.

Matty Interviews Todd Howard: Future Of Fallout, Starfield Year 2, Elder Scrolls VI Info, & MORE!

Everything seems to indicate that Fallout 5 is farther away than fans believed and that its development has not become a priority. Howard himself stated that he requested not to rush this process so that the team could work properly.

Todd Howard Is Not in a Hurry to Release a New Game in This Franchise

Todd Howard could have confirmed that Bethesda is using an external studio to make this game.
Todd Howard could have confirmed that Bethesda is using an external studio to make this game.

Howard made it very clear that the team is not in a hurry at all to release a game sooner in order to meet the series’ expectations. He added that these things take time, and the studios will work at their own pace.


Another detail he mentioned is that he would love to announce a game and release it, but he would prefer not to repeat the same mistake as with The Elder Scrolls 6, which was announced six years ago and still has no updates.

Howard also discussed the division of Bethesda’s studios into various game types in the same interview. This implied that an external studio might develop the next Fallout 5. Ultimately, the status of this game is a complete mystery, and fans will have to wait because it seems that not even a dedicated team has been assigned to this project yet, making the state of this game very complicated to understand.

On the other hand, this year, the company will release several highly anticipated games that will at least calm the fans’ anxiety. According to rumors and leaks, Avowed could arrive this year, along with Indiana Jones, which has already been confirmed for 2024.


Additionally, the studio is about to release the new Starfield DLC called Shattered Space, so the company has more work than ever. The last Xbox event confirmed the arrival of numerous games in 2025.

What are your thoughts on Howard’s words? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 650

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.