“It’s sort of built for both”: Todd Howard has to Pivot From Creation Engine 2 After Starfield’s Problems, Or Face Elder Scrolls 6 Failure as Well

Will Bethesda take past criticism on board for future titles?

starfield-elder scrolls 6


  • If the upcoming Elder Scrolls game is to be successful then it has to make one crucial change to its development process.
  • Starfield continues to draw criticism and much of it is directed towards Creation Engine 2.
  • The engine appears to have been pushed to its limit with Starfield and fans want the best immersive experience with the upcoming game.
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Todd Howard is a man who always appears to play a good game but if he wants to win fans over with the upcoming Elder Scrolls 6, then he may have to make a critical decision with the development process. Should Bethesda follow the same route as last year’s space-faring adventure, then they may fall foul of similar criticism.


It is well noted that Starfield had a certain amount of hype surrounding it in the run-up to release and rightly so. This was the first new world game from Bethesda in 25 years and with this came a huge level of both excitement and expectation. Despite being described by Howard as ‘Skyrim in Space’, the game received substantial criticism, which continues to this day.

What Does Todd Howard Have To Change?

Can Bethesda and Todd Howard learn from the mistakes of Starfield?
Can Bethesda and Todd Howard learn from the mistakes of Starfield?

If Howard wants to avoid the problems of Starfield with a new Elder Scrolls, then it is quite clear that he has to move away from Creation Engine 2. Although he was quoted back in 2021 as saying that “Creation Engine 2, is sort of built for both”.


The problems which ensued are well highlighted, with many fans pointing to certain limitations on graphics and suffering from poor optimization. However, many fans were quick to point out that not all blame can be assigned to the Engine and that some of this must fall on to Bethesda themselves.

We need only look on the games’ subreddit to see fans opinions on the engine and their frustration with it. So for Bethesda to consider keeping with this for the future development of the upcoming Elder Scrolls would be seen by many as a failure waiting to happen.

The Hopes For Fans With Elder Scrolls 6

Elder Scrolls fans are longing for a new entry into the series.
Elder Scrolls fans are longing for a new entry into the series.

Given how popular the Elder Scrolls series is, there is no doubt that Bethesda must deliver a product that meets fan expectations. To fall short of this could be disastrous, given how passionate fans are and the hopes that they have that the new title will be a more immersive experience.


It’s clear that Creation Engine 2 was stretched to its limit with Starfield. Fans of the space-faring game were often left scratching their heads as to why they couldn’t do things in a game where there were meant to be no limits on exploration.

If Bethesda want to win fans over with the upcoming Elder Scrolls title, then it is clear they should be looking to move away from Creation Engine 2. Howard has already acknowledged that fans felt let down with the Starfield and it’s hoped that this means taking the correct path for future projects.

What do you think about the latest news for Todd Howard? Do you agree that Bethesda should be looking to move away from Creation Engine 2? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 259

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.