Top 5 Warhammer 40K Factions You Need to Know Before Space Marine 2

Space Marine 2 is The Next Great Warhammer 40K Experience

warhammer 40k space marine 2


  • As the release of Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 approaches, now is the perfect time to dive into the rich and complex world of Warhammer 40K.
  • The game releases on 9 September 2024 and will be the latest adventure in the Warhammer 40k universe.
  • This grimdark sci-fi world is rich with lore and diverse factions with different lore and unique contributions to the battlefield.
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Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is going to bring a whole new adventure to the Warhammer 40k universe and its fans. The world of Warhammer 40k is a rich and complex one with its grimdark nature and never-ending wars. The game releases on 9 September 2024.


But if you are new to, or need a refresher on the factions that are part of this world, this has got you covered. Here are the top five Warhammer 40k factions you need to know before jumping into Space Marine 2.

1. Space Marines

Top 5 Warhammer 40K Factions You Need to Know Before Space Marine 2
Space Marines are the icons of Warhammer 40k | Saber Interactive

The Space Marines are the face of the franchise and the iconic poster boys of the Warhammer 40K universe. These soldiers are superhuman, genetically modified warriors that have special armor. This makes them the ultimate defenders of humanity. They are divided into several chapters within them and each has its own traditions, colors, and other traits. Players can expect to be reunited with Captain Titus in Space Marine 2.


2. Astra Militarum

Top 5 Warhammer 40K Factions You Need to Know Before Space Marine 2
Astra Militarum | Games Workshop

The Astra Militarum are more commonly known as the Imperial Guard and are the vast armies of regular human soldiers in the Warhammer 40k universe. Their sheer numbers, teamwork, and discipline make up for the fact that they aren’t super-soldiers like the Space Marines. They often use the simplest strategy of all, and use weapons, vehicles, and waves of infantry to overwhelm the enemy. This way of fighting represents the grit and determination of humanity’s last line of defense.

3. Tyranids

Top 5 Warhammer 40K Factions You Need to Know Before Space Marine 2
Tyranids are the main antagonists of Warhammer 40k | Games Workshop

The Tyranids are a terrifying alien race, known as the Great Devourer, whose sole purpose is to consume all biological matter. These insectoid creatures operate as a hivemind, deploying vast swarms to overwhelm their foes. From the ferocious Hormagaunts to the massive Carnifexes, Tyranids overwhelm their enemies with sheer numbers and brutal efficiency.

4. Chaos

Top 5 Warhammer 40K Factions You Need to Know Before Space Marine 2
Chaos Space Marines are the corrupt versions of Space Marines | Complex Games

Chaos represents the dark and corrupting forces of the Warp, an alternate dimension of pure psychic energy. Chaos Space Marines, who have turned their backs on the Emperor, worship the dark gods of Chaos, gaining unnatural powers in return. These factions are known for their unpredictability and demonic enhancements. In Space Marine 2, the forces of Chaos can add another layer of danger, challenging players.


5. Necrons

Top 5 Warhammer 40K Factions You Need to Know Before Space Marine 2
The Necron Faction | via Nutbug on YouTube

Necrons are ancient, robotic beings resurrected from a time long past. Once living creatures, they were transformed into undying machines by the god-like C’tan. Led by Overlords, Necron armies are known for their durability and the ability to teleport across the battlefield, often catching opponents off guard. Their weapons are incredibly powerful and capable of tearing through almost any defense.

Understanding these factions will not only prepare you for the epic battles in Space Marine 2, but also deepen your appreciation for the rich lore and complex narratives of the Warhammer 40k universe. 

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 is shaping up to be one hell of an experience with its multitude of different combat and story features. We can only wait and see if Saber Interactive have struck gold with this one.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 84

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.