Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 has More than Just Bug Genocide in Common with Helldivers 2, and You’ll Regret Picking Up and Playing Either Once You Realize

Slaughtering bugs has never felt so bad.

Helldivers 2 and Warhammer 40k


  • Space Marine 2 will cause players to question whether they are doing the right thing throughout the game.
  • Players will be able to witness the horrifying universe of Space Marine 2.
  • Space Marine 2 will take inspiration from Helldivers 2 regarding the 40K Imperium of Man and their mission in the galaxy.
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After numerous years of waiting, players have finally received a glimpse at the upcoming Space Marine 2 game that they have been begging for for years. Now a trailer has been revealed that shows gamers what to expect from the upcoming experience, but it does remind players of a similar bug-terminating experience that has taken over the gaming community as of late.


This isn’t the first bug-slaying game to be released this year, as Helldivers 2 also released this year. But what makes both these games so interesting is that they share a similar mindset in terms of the world they are set in, but this can be quite daunting for many players to experience.

Space Marine 2 and Helldivers 2 Both Share a Horrifying Fact That Will Provide Players With Nightmares

40K Imperium of Man may not be as altruistic as they claim to be.
40K Imperium of Man may not be as altruistic as they claim to be.

If you haven’t heard of Helldivers 2 or Space Marine 2, then what rock have you been living under? Space Marine 2 has been something Warhammer 40K fans have been begging for, along with Helldivers fans eagerly awaiting the sequel until it was released earlier this year.


Each of these games have a rather similar premise in terms of a military force taking to the stars in an attempt to slaughter a faction of bugs that threaten to destroy the universe that they call home, but what makes this story so unique is the fact that these bugs may not be the worst group in the universe that most players would expect from first glance.

It has been made clear, whether through outright announcements or sarcastic comments by the development team behind Helldivers 2, that Super Earth is in fact hunting down the Terminid faction for fuel and not for liberty and justice like it so claims. Whereas the 40K Imperium of Man is attempting to protect the universe from the Tyranid threat.

Now it seems that Space Marine 2 is taking a page out of Arrowhead Game Studio’s book. Saber Interactive allows players to view the world from a Space Marine’s perspective, but with a clear indication that not all is okay.


The In-Game Universe Won’t Be Holding back on Its Visual Narratives

Space Marine 2 follows suit with its morally challenged aims.
Space Marine 2 follows suit with its morally challenged aims.

One of the biggest features in any game is how the developers reveal the story of the game through the environment that it takes place in, and Space Marine 2 will be no exception.

During an interview with PCGamer and the creative director Oliver Hollis-Leick, it was discussed how players will be able to explore the universe that the game takes place in and will have all kinds of visually stunning and daunting views to take in.

For example, during the 40K Imperium of Man’s attempts to clear worlds of bugs, they will be able to take in views of bug hives that have taken over 50 floors worth of poverty-stricken individuals, and they will have to wonder what kind of universe this is and why the so-called good guys aren’t working to provide a better life for those struggling in the slums.


What do you think about Space Marine 2 being similar to Helldivers 2 and the 40K Imperium of Man being the bad guys? Are you looking forward to slaughtering bugs in a gory passion? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 515

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.