“Unique idea that got ran over by warzone”: Ahead of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Fans Are Begging for a Forgotten Mode to Come Back

It might be time for Warzone to have a black out.

Black Ops 6


  • With the announcement of Black Ops 6, players look back at some classic game modes.
  • Gamers are begging for the Black Out game mode to be remastered with the upcoming game release.
  • Players wish for a return to simpler times with less mechanics to worry about in Warzone.
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It has been a rough few years for the Call of Duty franchise, as players around the world have been struggling to stay on board with the direction the franchise has been moving in.


With the recent announcement of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, players have taken a moment to look back at arguably one of the best game modes from the Black Ops series.

Players Are Begging That the Blackout Game Mode from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Makes Its Return With a Vengeance

Players are begging for Call of Duty to bring back a classic game mode.
Players are begging for Call of Duty to bring back a classic game mode.

Back before the battle royale fever sweeped through the gaming industry and caused dozens of H1Z1, Fortnite, and PUBG clones, players were always wondering how the Call of Duty franchise would battle against the new fad that took the world by storm.


At first, it seemed like the franchise’s first Battle Royale game mode was going to be the start of something fantastic, as it provided players with a whole new experience that they could enjoy. Unfortunately, this experience didn’t last too long, as it eventually evolved into what we now know as Warzone and changed too much to the point where it is no longer recognizable.

During its original release over 6 years ago, players were met with a new game mode that, at the time, cost from $40 and more depending on if you were willing to purchase extra bundles and even loot boxes, as they were still a thing back then.

byu/Hairy_Editor3377 from discussion

Along with the high price tag, it was still a rather unrefined game mode that doesn’t have half the features that current Warzone has, and that’s why gamers are begging for its return. At the moment, players are struggling to keep up with how much the current battle royale is expanding and changing, and many players would love a return to the classic game mode that started it all off for the franchise.


The Lack of Content Made This Draft of the Game Mode So Unique That Players Want a New Version/Remaster

This game mode was the franchise's first battle royale.
This game mode was the franchise’s first battle royale.

Even though the game mode was released over 6 years ago, it is still relatively empty compared to the current battle royale modes that players can experience. But this can be both negative and positive, depending on your point of view.

Most gamers who are looking for this game mode to return enjoyed the fact that many features within the current version of Warzone weren’t available within the original game mode.

For example, loadouts weren’t a thing back in the Black Ops 4 Battle Royale, leading players to explore and try out new weapons constantly as they had to use what they could find on the floor. Along with loadouts being non-existent, this also provided a better skill gap for players, giving them a more focused gameplay loop rather than constantly feeling like they were being overwhelmed.


So far, there is no evidence that a game mode remaster will be coming with Black Ops 6, as players already have Warzone.

Did you ever enjoy this game mode? Do you wish the franchise took a step back? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 514

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.