“We need to keep raising the stakes…”: Baldur’s Gate 3’s Lead Writer Knew There Was Going to be Only One Outcome for the Story after Realizing “Players couldn’t be running around fighting goblins for 100 hours”

How Baldur's Gate 3 revolutionizes narrative depth in RPG.

baldur’s gate 3


  • Baldur's Gate 3 avoids repetitive gameplay by continuously raising narrative stakes.
  • The game's reactive world and 174 hours of cutscenes ensure unique player experiences.
  • Lead Writer Adam Smith emphasises that high-stakes storytelling is crucial to match the D&D power curve.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 is more than just another RPG; it’s an ambitious storytelling marvel. Larian Studio’s Adam Smith knew the narrative stakes had to be earned through a complex, evolving story.


The decision to push beyond conventional RPG tropes was driven by the inherent power curve of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) 5E.

Crafting a Complex, Reactive World for Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 is a storytelling masterpiece.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a storytelling masterpiece.

From the outset, the team at Larian Studios faced a daunting challenge: creating a story that could sustain player engagement beyond the typical encounters with low-level enemies. Adam Smith acknowledged early on that having players “running around fighting goblins for 100 hours” would not suffice.


Instead, they needed a storyline that evolved with the player’s increasing power, making every hour of gameplay feel impactful and meaningful. This approach required meticulous planning and a deep understanding of the D&D power curve. As players advance from level 1 to level 12 in Baldur’s Gate 3, their capabilities expand dramatically, necessitating increasingly challenging and epic confrontations.

However, Baldur’s Gate 3‘s companions have a weird habit of wandering off. The story had to grow in complexity and scale to ensure the stakes felt earned, offering new challenges that matched the player’s progression. So, Larian Studios’ solution was to design a highly reactive world where no two players would experience the exact same story.

This ambitious narrative design is underscored by the inclusion of over 174 hours of cutscenes, each tailored to accommodate the myriad choices and branching paths players might take. The level of detail ensures that players feel their decisions genuinely matter, shaping the world and its characters in profound ways.


Adam Smith emphasized the importance of this approach, noting that the game’s density and complexity were critical to its success. This has made Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Larian Studios a hot prospect for directing the next Lord of the Rings game.

Marking New Benchmark in RPG Storytelling

Whether Baldur's Gate 3 redefines RPG-making remains to be seen.
Whether Baldur’s Gate 3 redefines RPG-making remains to be seen.

The narrative’s depth is not just about length but about the richness of the storylines and the interwoven character arcs. Each companion has unique traits and interactions, further enhancing the sense of a living, breathing world where player choices ripple across the narrative landscape.

The commitment to raising the stakes is evident in how Baldur’s Gate 3 handles character progression and story climax. By the time players reach the final stages of the game, they face challenges that are commensurate with their characters’ formidable abilities.


This design philosophy ensures that the climax feels both rewarding and inevitable, a culmination of the players’ journey rather than a sudden escalation. Such a narrative strategy required an unprecedented level of collaboration among the writing and design teams.

Every plot twist, every character arc, and every quest had to align with the overarching goal of maintaining player engagement and narrative coherence. Adam Smith and the team at Larian Studios have created a game where the stakes are constantly raised, ensuring that each player’s journey feels unique and impactful. 

What does this mean for the future of RPGs? Will other developers take inspiration from Baldur’s Gate 3? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 156

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.