“We toned her down a little bit”: Larian had to Nerf a Baldur’s Gate 3 Companion With “Some of the most heartbreaking endings” as She Was Too Aggressive

Dive into the intricacies of character development and player feedback as Larian Studios developers balances Lae'zel's aggression.

Baldur's Gate 3


  • Larian Studios discusses the decision to tone down Lae'zel's aggression in Baldur's Gate 3 to enhance player experience.
  • The changes reflect Larian's commitment to creating immersive gameplay and enriching the narrative depth of Baldur's Gate 3.
  • Feedback from players prompted adjustments to Lae'zel's character, balancing her aggressive nature with meaningful interactions.
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In RPG games, companions are some of the most important parts of the story and player’s journey. If written correctly, they can make the game’s narrative even better. Baldur’s Gate 3 built upon this and made waves in the gaming community due to its intriguing story and well-defined companions. 


It boasts a diverse cast of companions, each with their own unique personalities and stories. However, one companion who stands out the most from the start is Lae’zel. She was super aggressive from the start, to the extent that developers felt the need to nerf her personality a little bit. 

Adjusting Aggression: Baldur’s Gate 3 Balancing Act

Baldur's Gate 3 announces expansion to Warsaw, Poland.
Larian Studios nerfed Lae’zel’s aggressive nature toward players | Baldur’s Gate 3

In an interview, the developers at Larian Studios shed some light on the decision they made to keep the companion characters’ story engaging. They also discussed their reason behind nerfing Lae’zel, not in terms of her combat abilities, but in her temperament.


According to the developers, Lae’zel’s aggressive behavior was toned down in order to provide a more balanced experience for players. Her character grew as the journey progressed, and in the end, she had matured enough to be less aggressive. Swen Vincke said: 

She changed slightly because in the beginning she was very aggressive towards the players, so we toned her down a little bit.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a prime example of how letting developers do their thing pays off
After the changes, Lae’zel was a bit less aggressive and her story became even more heartbreaking | Larian Studios’ Baldur’s Gate 3

Vincke believed that Kevin VanOrd, the writer of Lae’zel, had a very clear vision when writing her and Lae’zel is arguably the least changed character throughout the entirety of development. Adam Smith, lead writer of Baldur’s Gate 3 added to Vincke’s point. After watching the performance of Devora Wilde, the voice behind Lae’zel, Smith immediately had a thought:

It was a really nice moment where I was just like, “Oh, I understand her [Lae’zel] now.” And yeah, it made me happy-sad because she’s a very sad character as well. I think Lae’zel has some of the most heartbreaking endings.

Despite the nerf made to her character’s nature, Lae’zel remains one of the best companions with a complex backstory and intriguing questline. Players would still find themselves engaged in heated debates with her. 


Retaining Complexity: Lae’zel’s Character Development

Larian Studios' decision to carefully nerf Lae'zel's aggression shows that they care about every character they develop and pay attention to detai
Larian Studios’ showed how much they care about their characters and player’s experience | Baldur’s Gate 3

Larian Studios’ decision to carefully nerf Lae’zel’s aggression showed that they care about every character they developed and paid attention to detail. This careful attention to detail has led them to craft the complex yet beautiful world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

By listening to player feedback and talking to the character’s writer and voice actor, developers made some changes and ensured that Lae’zel’s backstory and ambition felt authentic. This enhanced the overall experience of the game.

In the end, Lae’zel may have been toned down a little bit but her presence in Baldur’s Gate 3 remains as impactful as ever. Players can always look forward to talking or debating against her while uncovering some of the most heartbreaking endings. 


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 127

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.