Wildest Theory about GTA 6 Leaker is Completely False: What Actually Happened to Him is Even Darker

The truth behind the GTA 6 leaker's fate is far more unsettling than the rumors suggest.

gta 6


  • The GTA 6 leaker, Arion Kurtaj, was given an indefinite hospital order instead of facing life in prison.
  • Kurtaj, an 18-year-old with acute autism, carried out the hack while under police protection using minimal equipment.
  • The indefinite hospital order means Kurtaj could be confined for an unspecified duration, potentially for the rest of his life.
  • The leak caused significant financial and operational damage to Rockstar Games, highlighting the gaming industry's vulnerability to cyber-attacks.
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When the news of the Grand Theft Auto 6 leak first broke, social media was rife with rumors and theories about the fate of the person(s) responsible. Some people were convinced that the leaker would face life in prison, while others speculated about secret deals and cover-ups. However, the truth about the leaker’s fate is stranger than fiction and, in some ways, even more disturbing than the wildest theories out there.


In September 2022, an individual managed to obtain a significant amount of early gameplay footage and source code for the highly anticipated GTA 6, which is still in development. They posted 90 clips of the game on GTAForums, with the notorious hacking group, Lapsus$, claiming responsibility. And given how much effort they had put into keeping the game under wraps, Rockstar was—understandably—extremely upset about the leak.

As the story unfolded, people couldn’t stop talking about it. GTA fans were thrilled to get a sneak peek at the game, but they also understood that leaking such material was a serious offense. Everyone wondered what kind of punishment the leaker would face, and many assumed Rockstar’s lawyers would pursue the harshest possible consequences.


The Reality: Indefinite Confinement in a Secure Hospital

The opening scene of the GTA 6 trailer. | Rockstar Games

So, what exactly happened to the GTA 6 leaker? According to BBC News, the hacker responsible for the leak is Arion Kurtaj, an 18-year-old with acute autism. Instead of being sent to prison for life, as some had speculated, Kurtaj was given an indefinite hospital order. This means he will be confined to a secure medical facility until a mental health tribunal determines that he no longer poses a danger to others.

During the court proceedings, it was revealed that Kurtaj, a member of the Lapsus$ hacking group, was responsible for breaking into Rockstar’s systems and stealing said GTA 6 content. Surprisingly, he carried out this hack while under police protection at a Travelodge hotel, using an Amazon Fire TV Stick, the hotel’s TV, and his smartphone.

The Darker Implications of an Indefinite Hospital Order

The iconic Rockstar logo, dabbed in the vivid hues of Vice City. | Rockstar Games

At first glance, an indefinite hospital order might seem like a more lenient sentence compared to life in prison. However, the reality is far more unsettling. The term “indefinite” implies an unspecified duration, meaning Kurtaj could remain in that secure hospital for years, decades, or even the rest of his life. It all depends on how mental health experts assess him and whether they believe he continues to pose a threat.


During the sentencing hearing, a mental health assessment was presented, indicating that Kurtaj continued to express his intention to return to hacking and cybercrime as soon as possible. The report described him as “highly motivated” to continue engaging in such activities. This assessment played a significant role in the judge’s decision to issue the indefinite hospital order. So, essentially, unless Kurtaj can show a genuine change in his behavior and intentions, he may never be released.

The GTA 6 leak was a significant event that had serious repercussions for Rockstar Games. The company reported a loss of $5 million and thousands of hours of staff time as a direct result of the hack. Kurtaj’s actions not only jeopardized Rockstar’s trust and security but also exposed the gaming industry’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks.

The trailer that broke all previous records. | Rockstar Games

Despite the leak, Grand Theft Auto 6 remains one of the most highly anticipated games of the past decade. When Rockstar released the official trailer, it garnered over 90 million views in just a single day, which just goes to show the immense popularity and excitement surrounding the series.


Grand Theft Auto 6 is set to release in fall 2025 on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5, with a PC release expected later, possibly in 2026. Stay tuned for updates from Rockstar Games.


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 30

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!