Xbox Game Pass Gets a Souls-lite a Month after Shadow of the Erdtree That Has the One Feature Hidetaka Miyazaki Could Never Add in Elden Ring

Explore the innovative world of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, a Souls-lite adventure featuring old-school gunplay.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree


  • Flintlock introduces old-school flintlock firearms into the Souls-like genre, adding a new layer of strategy and skill.
  • Scheduled for July 18th on Xbox Game Pass, explore Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn and its unique blend of action and challenge.
  • Flintlocks feature firearms that even the esteemed Hidetaka Miyazaki was not able to bring into Elden Ring.
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In modern gaming, few genres hold as much attention and passion of the fans as the Souls-like genre. The genre is known for its punishing difficulty in combat, deep lore, and innovative gameplay mechanics. These games have become a niche and are beloved by hardcore gamers all around the world.

lden Ring DLC called Shadow of the Erdtree, coming on June 21st
Flintlock The Siege of Dawn is releasing soon after Shadow of the Erdtree | A44 Games

With anticipation building for the upcoming Elden Ring DLC called Shadow of the Erdtree, launching on June 21st, it will face another contender soon after its release to take its share in the competitive genre: Flintlock: The Siege of the Dawn.

Mastering Old-School Gunplay in a Souls-lite Adventure

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is a bold departure from the traditional Souls-like formula, set to debut on July 18th. What sets this game apart is its willingness to embrace the challenge and depth that genre fans crave. It introduces a revolutionary feature that even the esteemed Hidetaka Miyazaki was unable to bring into Elden Ring- Guns.


Yes, you read that right: guns. And not just any simple gun, but an old-school flintlock firearm that will add a whole new aspect to the gameplay experience. Players will face formidable enemies and defeat them with the Axe and shots from Flintlock firearms.

Developers at A44 Games are calling the game a Souls-lite action adventure.
Flintlock aims to innovate the genre with skillful marksmanship. | A44 Games’ Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Developers at A44 Games are calling the game a Souls-lite action adventure. Souls-lite is like a subgenre of Souls-like as it takes elements like innovative combat, and atmospheric storytelling but does not strictly follow the genre in all aspects (lower difficulty), bringing its own unique twists and interpretations.

The game aims to blend strategy, timing, and skillful marksmanship. Players will need to master the art of reloading under pressure, as choosing the right moment to shoot a precise shot could turn the battle around.


Flintlock: A Game-Changer following Shadow of the Erdtree release

With its future release on Xbox Game Pass set for July 18th, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn stands to capture the attention of a broad audience eager for fresh challenges.
Flintlock: The Siege of the Dawn will be released on Xbox Game Pass, unlike Elden Ring DLC. | A44 Games

With its future release on Xbox Game Pass set for July 18th, Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn stands to capture the attention of a broad audience eager for fresh challenges. Subscribers of Game Pass will get the opportunity to try this innovative title for free, unlike Elden Ring DLC (which is not available on the Pass). This strategic timing of releasing the game a month after Shadow of the Erdtree ensures that gamers have sufficient time to fully dive into Flintlock’s unique bend of action. 

As fans eagerly await the release of Shadow of the Erdtree on June 21st, this new game shows the genre’s limitless potential for innovation and surprise. While Miyazaki’s worlds continue to mesmerize and challenge the players, Flintlock proves that there is still untapped potential waiting to be explored in the Souls-like games. 

In the end, whether you’re a veteran of the Souls-like genre or a newcomer who wants to start with a Souls-lite game, mark your calendars for July 18th and prepare to experience the thrill of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 139

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.