“This was a mistake on our part”: XDefiant’s Mark Rubin Admits Defeat and Reverts Controversial XP ‘Fix’ to ‘Something Even Better’

XDefiant is leveling up! Mark Rubin announces changes to weapon progression based on player's feedback.



  • XDefiant facing notably backlash from the community regarding its weapon XP progression system.
  • Mark Rubin acknowledged the mistakes and in an attempt to fix the issue, reverting the controversial XP changes.
  • Rubin amidst the controversy and apology hinted at new challenges and grinds in XDefiant.
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XDefiant has seen many ups and downs since its recent release. With a weapon progression system, players have been calling it a Call of Duty Killer. While the game has been received well, there are still a few aspects players are not happy about, demanding an instant change. 


After listening to players’ recent feedback, the game’s Producer Mark Rubin took to social media and acknowledged their misstep, announcing that they are reverting the recent controversial changes to the game’s XP progression system and making it better. 

XDefiant Navigating Through Challenges and Listening to Player Feedback

XDefiant aims to revert the mistakes after listening to the player's feedback.
XDefiant aims to revert the mistakes after listening to the player’s feedback.

One of the most crucial parts of XDefiant’s gameplay experience is set around its weapon mastery system. Players need to play a decent number of games, investing time and effort into leveling weapons to max (Level 100). This allows them to unlock various attachments and prestigious skins. 


The issue arrived when developers at Ubisoft thought the progression system was too fast and released a patch that increased the required XP for each level. These sudden changes made the players angry and they took to social media or gaming forums to express their discontent. 

However, in a candid tweet, Mark Rubin acknowledges the misstep and announces that they are resolving the issue, making it better than before, by reverting the XP required to rank up from 3000XP per level to now halved 1500XP, effectively doubling the speed of leveling up.

This will also see an overall increase of 14% in getting the Weapon Mastery skin. Here’s what Rubin said,


We made a change while the game is live and people had already put in effort towards progression. This was a mistake on our part and we will own that. And that is why we are actually reverting and making it technically even better than before because attachments will unlock much faster.

Rubin further expressed, “We’ve always held that this is a player-focused game and the progression change wasn’t it.” This sentiment highlights Ubisoft’s commitment to prioritizing players’ experience first.

Mark Rubin’s Commitment and Hints at Future Developments

Rubin hinted at new grind and challenges that await players in future updates.
Rubin hinted at new grind and challenges that await players in future updates.

Looking ahead, Rubin’s statements also hinted at future updates. He suggested that they might introduce new grinds and engaging challenges besides weapon progression. This shows a proactive shift of developers towards more enriching gameplay experiences. 

The fixed date for these changes is still not set. However, Rubin has assured the community that when a specific date for the update is set, he will announce it. While the recent XP progression adjustment was a misstep, Mark Rubin’s quick acknowledgment and immediate action show XDefiant’s commitment to growing a player-centric environment.


In the end, the developer’s message is clear: the game is evolving, but at the core of this development process remains the community. With XDefiant’s renewed focus, it is set to regain player trust and continue proving itself in the competitive gaming landscape. 

What are your thoughts on these changes? Do you like the improved Weapon Mastery progression? Share your thoughts below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 145

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.