“It needs more polish”: XDefiant Working on FPS Staple Feature Behind the Scenes

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  • So far, Ubisoft's shooter XDefiant has done without a feature that has been a staple in FPS titles.
  • Executive producer Mark Rubin has confirmed that XDefiant will get the highly requested killcams soon.
  • Killcams let players see their final moments in the game to find out how they were killed from the perspective of the killer.
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Ubisoft launched its shooter XDefiant in an attempt to compete with the FPS juggernaut Call of Duty, yet the developer has so far omitted the inclusion of a feature that has been a staple in the genre for the longest time.


Players haven’t been happy that the shooter is missing killcams that let them see how they were killed. This is reportedly about to change, as the game’s executive producer confirmed that the highly requested feature is in the works.

XDefiant Is Getting Killcams

Soon, you'll be able to see how you were killed in XDefiant.
Soon, you’ll be able to see how you were killed in XDefiant. Image credit: Ubisoft

In a comment on X, XDefiant executive producer Mark Rubin confirmed that the arena shooter will be getting killcams. According to him, they are currently “being worked on” with testing of the feature underway.


The team is apparently still working on polishing the feature and fixing bugs before it can be implemented in the game. Stating that this work takes “some time,” Rubin did not give a date or timeframe for the introduction of killcams in the game, meaning players might still need to exercise patience.

Killcams have been a feature found in most first-person shooters, which is why players were surprised when Ubisoft’s newest competitor in the genre launched without it.

Right after a player gets killed in the game, the killcam lets them see their final moments before their demise from the perspective of the killer. This way, players can see exactly how they were killed and, in the case of sniper shots, find out where the lethal bullet came from.


Players Are Reacting to the Upcoming Feature

XDefiant has so far omitted a feature that has been a staple in other shooters, including Call of Duty.
XDefiant has so far omitted a feature that has been a staple in other shooters, including Call of Duty. Image Credit: Treyarch Studios

Fans have been requesting this feature and expressing their discontent about the lack of killcams in XDefiant. While many players skip watching the killcam after dying to avoid the pain of having to live through their defeat another time, others use this feature to learn from and improve.

Reactions have been mainly positive, as most players are excited to be getting killcams in the game. Many have commented that this will allow them to figure out some kills that seem suspect or questionable to them.

Other players point out that killcams would help them spot cheaters and hackers.


However, not everybody is happy about the confirmation that killcams will be introduced in XDefiant. Some players point out that the game has a lot more important issues that should be addressed first.

Overall, XDefiant players seem pleased about the introduction of a staple FPS feature that many deem integral in games of the genre.

While it has now officially been confirmed by Rubin that killcams are in the works at Ubisoft, it is unclear at what point players will get to enjoy it in the game.


How do you feel about XDefiant getting killcams? Have you been missing this FPS staple feature in the game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Lisa Kamlot

Articles Published: 79

Lisa is a passionate video game content writer with an insatiable appetite for all things gaming and an avid movie enthusiast. When she’s not diving into virtual worlds, she’s riding waves as a dedicated surfer. She’s always on a quest for adventure – both in the digital realm and IRL.