“You won’t lose a hand doing this”: Don’t Try this at Home, but Helldivers 2’s Insane Stealth Workaround May Just Be Worth You Trying It Out

They won't see you coming, quite literally.

Helldivers 2


  • A player has found a new way of hiding in plain sight.
  • This involves using a smoke grenade without even throwing it.
  • Helldivers 2 can benefit from stealthier gameplay.
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Helldivers 2 can be a playground for all kinds of third-person shooter playstyles. Between aggressive firing and stealthy strategies, there are many ways you can complete objectives.


However, a player has discovered a new way of hiding from enemies. In fact, it’s the very interpretation of becoming the weapon itself. This involves a smoke grenade, and love for Managed Democracy, of course.

Here’s How to Hide in Plain Sight

Helldivers 2 player evading enemy attacks.
It’s time to master the art of vanishing. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

When Redittor LurkerFromDownUnder played a game of Helldivers 2 with smoke grenades equipped, something came to light in all the fogginess. According to them, when a player holds their grenade in hand (after triggering it), it doesn’t damage them.


Instead, it hides them from enemy vision like a smoke grenade would when thrown. Furthermore, enemy AI then targets the last place they think they saw you and keeps firing in that direction.

Who knew that a smoke grenade could be such a tactful device? Okay, maybe some of us did, but Helldivers 2 often sets the bar a bit low when it comes to stealth gameplay. For the most fight, screaming Helldivers, gunfire and the dying screams of enemies are what you’ll likely hear in your vicinity.

In case you try this, do keep in mind that you’ll likely be still holding your trigger button until your gun starts firing. So, be careful and leave the trigger the moment the grenade goes off.


Helldivers 2’s Take on Quieter Gameplay

Helldivers 2 Viper Commandos Warbond cosmetics.
Maybe it’s time for Arrowhead to introduce a new set of playstyles. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

Not too long ago, the Viper Commandos Warbond introduced Throwing Knives to Helldivers 2. While this wasn’t Arrowhead telling us directly that players should just be stealthier now, it did feel like an attempt to integrate mechanics that ask players to switch up their style a bit.

There are certain things you can do to increase your chances of survival when trying stealth. For instance, playing during dark hours of the night helps you blend better. Moreover, using the Orbital Smoke Strike can also blind enemies and provide you with further support in case you choose to vanish for more than a few seconds.

At the time of writing, stealth is just a personalized way of experiencing the game and not something that’s heavily embedded in the game’s default mechanics. In a way, Super Earth’s soldiers are meant to face the enemy head-on and not be too sneaky about it.


But, this may change as Arrowhead introduces new weapons, gadgets, and stratagems over time. Who knows, we may even get a Warbond that’s entirely dedicated to stealth.

What are your thoughts on using a smoke grenade in Helldivers 2? Do you think the game can use more stealthy mechanics like this one?


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 548

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.