“Unless Microsoft gets rid of… this game will fail”: 2 Longterm Issues Will Be the End of Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty as a Whole

Another game with EOMM?

microsoft-call of duty


  • Recent Call of Duty games have faced backlash for using Engagement-Optimized Matchmaking (EOMM) instead of traditional Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM).
  • Fans worry that Black Ops 6 may also rely on EOMM, which could negatively impact the competitive experience by favoring player retention and in-game purchases.
  • Despite concerns about matchmaking, Black Ops 6 is highly anticipated for its new and returning features.
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The matchmaking system in recent Call of Duty games has been a controversial topic amongst fans. This is because many players believe that the developers have been implementing engagement-optimized matchmaking (EOMM) instead of traditional skill-based matchmaking (SBMM), hampering the competitive experience.


While Black Ops 6’s release is on the horizon, many fans have been wondering if the game will again rely on EOMM. Given that the recent games and several different titles have been in hot water for using the controversial matchmaking system, the developers must be very careful with Black Ops 6 multiplayer, or it could prove to be detrimental to the game’s success.

EOMM In Black Ops 6 Could Spell Disaster

Black Ops 6 character
A soldier is seen jumping backwards while shooting in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

For anyone unaware, engagement-optimized matchmaking is a system designed to enhance player retention and in-game purchases through tailored matchmaking algorithms. Unlike SBMM, where matchmaking mostly boils down to your skills, engagement-optimized matchmaking considers several factors such as skills, play style, and even spending mannerisms.


The main objective of using engagement-optimized matchmaking in games is to create better matchmaking for players based on their engagement. Even though this sounds good on paper, there is a considerable drawback when it comes to competitive edge.

The system promotes spending in the game; in some situations, players who spend money are matched against players with low skills. A Reddit user, u/throwawayunity2d, pointed out how games such as Modern Warfare 3 have dipped in sales due to matchmaking issues.

Although it is hard to pinpoint the exact reasons, the Reddit user points out that Black Ops 6 multiplayer could have the same fate if Microsoft doesn’t do anything about the matchmaking.

Unless Microsoft gets rid of EOMM and Spawns that make the game artificially close, this game will fail.
byu/throwawayunity2d inblackops6

The user has also highlighted how random spawns of players in-game in recent games have made the whole competitive experience rudimentary. Predicting where an opponent might spawn is a critical component in getting an advantage, and developers sticking to random spawns removes that part of the game plan.

There Is a Lot to Look Forward to With Black Ops 6

Player shooting and moving in Black Ops 6.
Player movement is going up a level in the upcoming game. Image credit: Activision

Despite the matchmaking issue, there is huge anticipation behind the upcoming game. Furthermore, some key features are returning or being added to the game, which will only likely improve the experience.

Theatre mode is one of the most prominent features that will make a return with the upcoming game. Players can record and share their in-game plays without any help from a third-party app.


The feature has been a fan favorite in past games, and adding it to the upcoming game is undoubtedly a right from the Treyarch. The game will also introduce the Omnimovement system, allowing players to do various movements, such as sprinting and sliding, all while shooting.

The feature will redefine the franchise’s movement system, making the game a must-try. Fortunately, the game will likely come to Xbox game pass eventually, so players don’t have to shell out big bucks to get the game immediately at the release.

What do you think about the engagement-optimized matchmaking? Do you think it will be detrimental to the competitive spirit of the game? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Kuldeep Thapa

Articles Published: 52

Kuldeep is an electrical engineer and a writer for FandomWire with over 5 years of experience under the belt. He is a keen learner who consistently tries to improve and is always up for the grind. Besides delving into the Pokemon world, he enjoys playing League of Legends and many other competitive games.