“Did I stumble onto something new?”: Odd Bug in 7 Days to Die May Make Broken Limbs a Thing of the Past

In 7 Days to Die, broken legs might not be a big issue anymore thanks to a curious bug

odd bug in 7 days to die


  • In 7 Days to Die, players have stumbled upon a bug where applying a cast to a broken leg prevent further damage to legs after subsequent falls.
  • This discovery has sparked widespread discussion among players, who see it as a potential game-changer.
  • If reproducible, this bug could alter survival strategies significantly, offering a unique advantage in scenarios.
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In 7 Days to Die, players need to fight for their survival whether it’s against enemies or trying to keep their hunger in check. The best strategy is to make a base as it plays a pivotal role in hoarding resources.


However, building the base can be tough and players usually incur various injuries. This was the case with one player who found himself falling from the roof while building, but he also found a new bug as well.

Players Don’t Need to Worry About Broken Legs in 7 Days to Die

An in-game screenshot of 7 Days to Die.
The 7 Days to Die player found a new and interesting bug. | Image Credit: The Fun Pimps

7 Days to Die always pushes players into various harsh and difficult situations where survival is always on the line. As players finally find their initial success in survival, they try to expand their base to compensate for more resources, tools, and a better standard of living.


However, sometimes building a base can be a very hectic task as it requires players to collect various materials and then make them. During building tall buildings players have a high chance of falling which usually results in broken legs. To fix that broken leg, they use casts and take some meds (to regain HP).

One player TrellixShadowryder on Reddit also finds themselves in the same situation where they broke their legs after falling. However, after placing the cast on the broken leg, they got back to work and managed to fall again. This time, they got the initial notification of a broken leg but there was no damage done to the leg and it was fine (notification went away as well).

Old bug, new bug (1.0), or feature?
byu/TrellixShadowryder in7daystodie

The player posted this on Reddit, which made the whole 7 Days to Die community super surprised and buzzing with discussion as they had never seen this happen before. Players are also speculating various scenarios they can use this bug.

byu/TrellixShadowryder from discussion

This might be a new bug, but it’s going to be a very useful one as this will not only make the broken legs, not an issue during subsequent falls but also save the cost and time of making new casts every single time.

Reactions and Discussions Among Players

An in-game screenshot of 7 Days to Die.
Players are always finding new ways to gain an advantage in the game. | Image Credit: The Fun Pimps

In 7 Days to Die, where adapting to a situation is a key to survival, any advantage, no matter how small or unconventional, can prove to be very useful. Just the idea of not caring about broken legs after placing a cast has made many players happy as it is a frequent scenario.

If this is an easily repeatable bug then it could potentially shift strategies for handling injuries during critical moments, such as during defense against a nighttime horde or when exploring various dangerous territory for food or resources.


In the end, as players try to replicate the bug to make it usable in critical situations, it is important to remember that 7 Days to Die is about survival of the fittest.

Are you going to try this bug in 7 Days to Die? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 199

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.