Now in the Latest Build…: Old Players Return to 7 Days to Die’s 1.0 Release and Immediately Criticize One Huge Change

How 7 Days to Die's new 1.0 update is dividing fans.

7 days to die


  • The recent release of 7 Days to Die drastically reduces zombie drop rates, shifting focus to looting containers and events.
  • Veteran players hate the loss of frequent loot drops that once defined gameplay, while the new system aims to increase challenge and reward.
  • Players are divided, with some embracing the increased difficulty and others feeling the update overshadows the game's original charm.
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The new 7 Days to Die update takes some fun stuff away from the gameplay. And players hate the update the most right now.


However, there are valid reasons behind why the devs did what they did. And even if players complain much about it, there is nothing to do but to move on. We are talking about the zombie loot aspect of the game, which has been apparently tweaked up.

Nostalgia Holds The Warmth of Joy in 7 Days to Die

7 days to die
7 Days to Die
7 days to die’s 1.0 release
7 Days to Die

Some critics mention that there was a time when the game was a sea of loot, with zombies frequently dropping valuable items. This helped players go on in the game without requiring them to venture into towns or other places of interest. But now, players notice that zombie drop rates have plummeted after the recent 1.0 release.

Zombie drop rate feels like….0%
byu/killerpeech in7daystodie

In Alpha 17, “zombie loot” was an integral part of the strategy of the game. Some players would even enjoy targeting certain zombies, like nurses and farmers, because of their unique drops, such as medical supplies or farming tools. Look! These supplies were super important for survival, so there wasn’t any question about that.

Some players express that this element of gameplay where specific zombies were attacked or avoided based on a hunger for looting added a layer of strategy.

Now, the reduced drop rate is part of an effort by the devs to create a more challenging and rewarding experience. Yikes! They have shifted the focus to looting containers within POIs and tackling specific events like blood moons, where the drop rate is significantly higher. The devs of 7 Days to Die are shifting their focus and it isn’t what players want.


By limiting the frequency of drops, the devs are forcing players to engage with its broader mechanics and explore the expansive world of the game.

Survival Strategy Shake-up

A scene from the 1.0 launch trailer of 7 Days to Die.
The new direction taken by the 7 Days to Die devs is causing a stir-up in the survival strategy of the game. | Image credits: The Fun Pimps

There have been a lot of discussions over the 1.0 update, and it seems like players are not happy with the developers’ priorities. 

Some may appreciate the new balance, finding the rare drops more meaningful and rewarding. They may argue that the scarcity of loot bags makes the game more unpredictable. These players enjoy the heightened challenge and believe it enhances the overall survival experience. In the end, it’s a zombie game they say. And for many problems in 7 Days to Die, players are turning to mods instead of the devs fixing things.


On the other hand, a significant portion of the player base misses the thrill of frequent loot drops because they really love the freebies for survival. For these players, the constant stream of rewards added momentum to the gameplay.

The current system feels restrictive and less engaging for many, with some arguing that it detracts from the game’s original charm. The nostalgia for the earlier, more generous loot system remains strong among these players, who feel that the reduced drop rate undermines the game’s fun factor.

7 Days to Die will get three more major updates. That’s all okay. But as 7 Days to Die continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how developers will address this grievance and whether they will be able to find a middle ground that satisfies both new and returning players.


Written by Arkaneel Khan

Articles Published: 175

I travel. I game. I write. In no strict order.

The single biggest lie told all around is, "It isn't that simple." It is simple, everything is. And that is what I emulate in my writing. No unnecessary jargons and no flamboyant flourish. Just what's needed to get your imagination going. After all mind has no limit, unlike the written word.