“You had one job”: Inconsequential Maybe, But The Fun Pimps Missed One Change in 7 Days to Die The Level of Quality Control Involved

'Yeah we all know it's Alpha 22'

7 days to die


  • 7 Days to Die was in early access for over a decade.
  • The full version came out on July 25 but players are still detecting many glitches and bugs.
  • This has players questioning quality control of the Fun Pimps, developer behind the game.
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7 Days to Die was in early access from 2013 until a couple of days ago. With the full release, the game is rolling out on next-gen consoles as well and fans of the horror-survival genre are loving it, despite problems. 


However, after over ten years in Early Access, the Fun Pimps, the developers behind the game, have missed a few key changes that have led to broken mechanics and features not working as intended. Now, fans are discovering new quirks that explain everything broken in the game but can never be justified, raising the question about quality control and game testing prior to release. 

7 Days to Die Has Some Inexplicable Quality Control Issues 


7 Days to Die finally came out of early access and officially released its 1.0 Version for all the platforms on July 25. With the new version of the game comes with new weapons, better graphics, new enemies, and mechanics, not everything seems to be working as the developers intended. 


Players are reporting numerous issues and desire for changes to be implemented soon, a player discovered that the full version might not be what it is. One fan took to Reddit to address the fact that the game’s loading screen still reads ‘this title is Pre-Release software’.

The fact that the 7 Days to Die 1.0 version came with improved gameplay mechanics, new zombies, and more, bugs and issues are also part of it. Nevertheless, the Fun Pimps are working on fixing these daily with new updates and patches. 

Unfortunately, a simple mistake like this has sparked a slew of comments on their accounts. 


Fans are Slamming The Fun Pimps

7 Days to Die zombie attack
7 Days to Die players are reporting numerous issues. | Credit: Fun Pimps

This simple mistake has generated an extreme buzz as fan reactions are mixed, with fans expressing their frustration, disappointment, and confusion to the point they question whether this is even a true full release. 

One player expressed his frustration by simply saying you had one job, meaning that the quality testers should have checked for mistakes like this one. 

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

Another player vented out by saying that this is the Alpha 22 version of the game and that Fun Pimps are not fooling anybody and that console vendors just don’t want to feature early access games on their systems, whether it is 7 Days to Die PS5 version or Xbox. 

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

Furthermore, one player justified them by saying that errors can happen like this often when it comes to software development as people focus fully on larger-scale issues. 

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

More players came in with some sarcastic comments towards developers, including one player saying that the game will now be 10 years in beta after getting out of the Alpha version. 

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

Many fans are feeling betrayed by the Fun Pimps failure at quality control and it seems that the developer foxed their way to consoles and full release. 


Nevertheless, the fan base is strong, and after 12 years in early access, 7 Days to Die continues to push updates. 

Whether the Fun Pimps address this mistake in one of the upcoming patches remains to be seen. Until that happens, players will certainly continue to run their speculations and theories. 

What are your thoughts on 7 Days to Die leaving early access? Are you playing the game? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Nikola Pajtic

Articles Published: 83

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or video game, and watching new Doctor Who episodes.