“As I say, I don’t mind the mechanism…”: 7 Days to Die Players Are Already Screaming for 1.0’s First Nerf as Issue Reveal Themselves

The community is facing significant issues with the Screamer enemies.

7 Days to Die


  • 7 Days to Die's official 1.0 release on July 25th introduces new graphics, mechanics, and enemies.
  • Players are frustrated by the Screamer's ability to call in more Screamers, leading to overwhelming situations.
  • The Fun Pimps, developers of 7 Days to Die, are facing pressure to address these gameplay issues.
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7 Days to Die finally came out of early access and officially released its 1.0 Version for all the platforms (on July 25th). The game features new and upgraded graphics, new mechanics, and new enemies.


However, players are not happy about everything as there are many issues found by them, as they play through the content. One of the most frustrating issues is with the Screamers and its ability to call other zombies.

7 Days to Die Players Want Developers to Nerf Screamer


In 7 Days to Die, players’ main goal is to survive and build a strong base. But to collect resources for survival like food, building materials, etc requires players to roam around the world (during the daytime), where they will encounter various enemies.


One of the most frustrating enemies to encounter is the Screamer, not only because they have a higher HP but they also can summon more zombies when they scream. Players goal when encountering these is to kill them before the scream.

However, not everyone is powerful enough to kill them before and that’s a reasonable experience. But what’s not reasonable is screamers calling in other screamers, this is not only dangerous for the players but also disrupts the gameplay experience.

Reddit User, butiamnotabadperson, recently found themselves in the same situation but their experience was worse as they summoned 24 radiated screamers back to back. After seeing the post, other players also shared their experiences.

They’ll *have* to nerf screamers. I’ve just had 24, yes twenty-four, radiated screamers in a row. Twenty four!
byu/butiamnotabadperson in7daystodie

Some players agree with the user and say that these screamers are bad.

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

Other players speculate that developers will increase their spawn rate.

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

Players are randomly encountering screamers as well.

byu/butiamnotabadperson from discussion

This whole thread shows that Screamers need to be fixed but first developers at The Fun Pimps need to respond to the matter as well, reassuring players that the studio has noticed the issues.

Developers Need to Address the Issues

7 days to die in-game screenshot showing hoarde of zombies about to attack a player
Players want developers to take quick action and fix the issues. | Image Credit: The Fun Pimps

In the gaming industry, bugs and issues have sadly become a regular occurrence but usually, developers admit the issues and communicate to the players that they are working on the fixes and ask for more feedback. With 7 Days to Die, developers at The Fun Pimps are dedicated to the game and want to enhance the player experience.

However, issues like screamers are already in the last patch and the studio can’t fix them at the last minute, meaning players who are playing the latest Version 1.0 are experiencing these issues right now.


The only course of action for The Fun Pimps is to admit its faults and offer players a quick patch fixing these issues.

In the end, players are still enjoying the game with all its upgrades and now can only hope that developers fix the random issue as quickly as possible.

What is your favorite biome in 7 Days to Die Version 1.0? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 225

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.