8 Years Ago Today, The Most Badass Emilia Clarke Scene in Game of Thrones Blew us All Away

Eight years ago, Daenerys' fiery scene in "Game of Thrones" redefined epic television.

emilia clarke in game of thrones


  • Eight years ago, Daenerys Targaryen's fiery emergence redefined her as a powerful conqueror, igniting her path to reclaiming the Iron Throne.
  • Emilia Clarke showcasing her transition from a lost princess to a formidable force in Westeros.
  • Behind the scenes, Emilia Clarke battled a serious brain injury, fearing it would impact her role
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Eight years ago, Daenerys Targaryen emerged from the flames, leaving fans utterly breathless. Actress Emilia Clarke’s performance ignited the screen, turning a lost princess into a fire-kissed force! But this wasn’t just a scene; it was a turning point, showcasing Daenerys’ fearless rise to power. 

Targaryen fleet
Daenerys’ fleet in Game of Thrones | HBO Entertainment

As flames roared around her and enemies fell to their knees, viewers around the world were reminded why Westeros feared her name.

From Lost Princess to Conqueror: Daenerys Targaryen Sets Sail for Westeros

Clarke as Daenerys.
Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones | HBO Entertainment

Hold onto your dragons, because eight years ago, Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons, set sail for Westeros in a scene with three dragons, 8000 Unsullied, and 100,000 Dothraki that redefined badassery on television. No longer a lost princess wandering the wasteland, Dany emerged as a conquering force, ready to reclaim her birthright: the Iron Throne.


Gone were the days of begging for scraps in the Dothraki Sea. Dany, hardened by fire and loss, commanded a fleet that stretched as far as the eye could see, each ship a testament to her growing power.  Her loyal advisors, Varys, Tyrion, and Missandei, stood steadfast behind her, while Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion soared majestically above, their shadows dancing across the rippling waves. This wasn’t just a fleet; it was a declaration of war.

But Westeros wasn’t exactly rolling out the welcome wagon. Jon Snow, brooding in the North, had just discovered his Targaryen lineage, throwing a wrench into Dany’s claim (not to mention their future love triangle, but that’s a story for another day). And then there were the pesky White Walkers, the embodiment of winter, who threatened to plunge the entire continent into an eternal ice age. Dragons versus zombies? Westeros was in for a wild ride.


Dany’s arrival wasn’t just a power play; it was a glimmer of hope. Her dragons, powerful and unpredictable, offered a potential weapon against the Night King’s icy forces. But underestimating your enemy is never a good idea, especially when that enemy controls an army of the undead. The Night King might have a few tricks up his snowy sleeve, and wildfire, that devastating green goo, still lurked beneath King’s Landing, a potential doomsday device in Cersei’s manicured hands.

Did Dany ultimately achieve her goals? Well, that, dear readers, is a story for another time. But one thing’s for sure: on that day, eight years ago, Daenerys Targaryen set sail with fire and blood in her eyes, and Westeros knew they were never going to be the same. But while Danny’s dragons may have breathed fire, the actress who brought her to life faced a different kinda fire. 

Emilia Clarke feared she would be fired from Game Of Thrones after brain injury

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones [Credit: HBO Entertainment]
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones | HBO Entertainment

The fierce Daenerys Targaryen herself, Emilia Clarke, faced a battle far deadlier than any on screen. In 2011, Clarke suffered a brain hemorrhage. This left her fearing the worst: getting the boot from Game of Thrones.


Keeping her condition under wraps from co-stars and the public alike, Clarke wrestled with the fear of being deemed unfit for the role [awkward silence on set?]. But that wasn’t all. To make matters worse, doctors discovered a second hemorrhage in 2013, while she was still filming the epic series.

Opening up about the challenges in a recent interview with Big Issue, Clarke shared the emotional toll the injury took. “Brain injury messes with you,” she said. “Suddenly all your insecurities about work are amplified.” The ever-present worry? Getting fired because she wouldn’t be able to deliver the Mother of Dragons justice.

Watch the series Game of Thrones on HBO!


Written by Heena Singh

Articles Published: 19