“I had a wild period with men for a second”: Jessica Alba’s Secret Relationship With Mark Wahlberg Is Still a Mystery After Decades

Jessica Alba's Secret Relationship With Mark Wahlberg Is Still a Mystery After Decades
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With a mesmerizing smile and a personality that screams main character energy, Jessica Alba is a beauty like no other. Not to forget, the actress has shown time and again why her name is at the top of Hollywood’s most iconic celebrities list thanks to a wide array of roles.

Jessica Alba; her net worth stands at $100 million
Jessica Alba

When we say Jessica Alba’s name you might think of a lot of things; her career, her flowing hair, or even her love life. However, there is no way Mark Wahlberg would be the first name you think of. According to rumors, Jessica Alba and Mark Wahlberg had a little something-something going on before she finally settled down with the love of her life. Her alleged relationship with the action star is still a mystery to all.

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Jessica Alba On The Rumors of Dating Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg

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Jessica Alba was asked about the rumors of her supposed relationships with Mark Wahlberg and Derek Jeter. Alba neither denied nor admitted to dating any one of the two, however, she did give a pretty vague answer. Alba stated,

“I don’t want to say, but I will say they’re both really nice guys. It’s funny because my mom would [read about my dating someone and] go, ‘I want to meet so-and-so.’ Or she’d say, ‘You’re not dating him as far as I’m concerned because I haven’t met him.’ I had a wild period with men for a second, but I wasn’t dating any more guys than any other girl—it’s just that most people aren’t written about in magazines.”

Well, it looks like the Wahlberg-Alba case will remain unsolved. However, what we do know is that right around this time, the actress was dating a guy who she thought was The One. Get ready to go all ‘awww’ in a moment as the guy was none other than Cash Warren, her husband. When Cosmopolitan asked her if she was dating someone at the moment, Alba stated,


“Yes, his name is Cash.…he’s not famous. He might be The One. It was kind of a love-at-first-sight thing, but I met him when I was dating someone else, so it started off as a friendship. I was already in love with him. And I hated it because it was terrifying that I cared about him so much right away and I already wanted him to be around forever.”

Warren ended up actually sticking around forever and as it turns out, Cupid knew what he was doing all along. Let’s not forget that this interview happened all the way back in 2005.

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Jessica Alba’s Stance on Women and One-Night Stands

Jessica Alba and Cash Warren with their children
Jessica Alba and Cash Warren with their children

Alba was asked by the media outlet if she thought it was important that women should “play the field a bit” before finally settling down with The One. The Fantastic Four actress then went on to say that she just wanted to see what it would be like dating different people and that wanting to have s*x does not make a girl a sl*t.


“I just wanted to see what it was like to be with different people. I don’t think a girl’s a sl*t if she enjoys s*x. I could have a one-night stand, and I’m the kind of girl who looks over in the morning and is like, Do you really have to be here? I don’t need to cuddle and do all that stuff because I know what it is and I don’t try to make it more.”

Alba continued,

“I feel like a lot of women try to make it into more, so they don’t feel so bad about just wanting to have s*x. I don’t really have a problem with just wanting s*x. Never have. Even when I was a virgin and wanted to marry the first guy who I slept with, I never passed any judgments about that. But now I’m done [with dating around].”

She stayed true to her final statement and the rest is history. Warren and Alba tied the knot in 2008 and have been going strong ever since and have three children together.

Source: Cosmopolitan


Written by Mishkaat Khan

Articles Published: 1288

Mishkaat is a medical student who found solace in content writing. Having worked in the industry for about three years, she has written about everything from medicine to literature and is now happy to enlight you about the world of entertainment. She has written over a thousand articles for FandomWire. When not writing, she can be found obsessing over the world of the supernatural through books and TV.