“Because she was puking into it”: Charlie Sheen Show Had a Garbage Bin Named after Lindsay Lohan

"Because she was puking into it": Charlie Sheen Show Had a Garbage Bin Named after Lindsay Lohan
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When it comes to Hollywood’s glamorous scene, Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan are two names that often stir up curiosity due to their notable (and sometimes notorious) reputations. Although they have delivered unforgettable performances on the big screen, their personal lives and professional decisions have often taken center stage.


Their tumultuous paths have frequently made headline news. One story that ties their chaotic Hollywood journeys together involves a hesitant kiss, a comedic movie, and a memorably named trash can.

Scary Movie 5 and The Reluctant Kiss

Scary Movie 5
Scary Movie 5

Back in 2013, people worldwide were eagerly anticipating the release of Scary Movie 5. Although the film was set to deliver its trademark blend of humor and horror tropes, a surprising piece of gossip from behind the scenes suddenly became the talk of the town.


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According to TMZ, Lindsay Lohan expressed hesitation about filming an intimate scene with Charlie Sheen. Although there were rumors of drama, the production team took Lohan’s concerns seriously and understood the importance of ensuring an actor’s comfort and safety.

They worked to find a solution, and on the day of filming, a body double was brought in to handle the more intimate scenes. Sheen handled the potentially volatile situation with grace and professionalism, showing respect for boundaries and understanding of Lohan’s apprehensions. His character exceeds his bad-boy exterior.


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Charlie Sheen Talks About The Lindsay Lohan Garbage Bin

Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan
Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan

Although the Scary Movie 5 incident had the potential to create a permanent rift between the two stars, that did not happen. Their professional relationship turned towards cooperation when Lohan accepted a guest role on Sheen’s sitcom, Anger Management.

The storyline involved the two characters sharing a bed, which fans found ironic. However, the smooth on-screen chemistry did not reflect the reality behind the scenes. If the scandalous kiss saga caught your attention, wait until you hear this tidbit from the Anger Management set.


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In a 2017 interview with KISS1065, Sheen shared an anecdote that has since become part of Hollywood’s folklore. According to Sheen, Lohan had a wild night before her planned shoot. As the day progressed, it was clear that she was still feeling the effects. Sadly, a garbage bin on set became her companion, as she used it to dispose of the aftermath of her night out.

“She must have had a big night one time, and we had this garbage bin on the set, and the crew and cast named it the ‘Lindsay’ bin because she was puking into it.”

Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan

Post Anger Management, Lindsay Lohan took a step back from the limelight, focusing on personal development. Her journey took her to different parts of the world, including Europe and the Middle East, exploring cultures and gaining new perspectives.


She re-emerged with a renewed focus on her career, dabbling in entrepreneurial ventures like the Lohan Beach House in Mykonos and starring in the reality series Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club. The Parent Trap actress is now married to financier Bader Shammas, with whom she shares a baby.

Meanwhile, Charlie Sheen faced personal and professional challenges after the Scary Movie 5 and Anger Management sagas. Sheen’s life seemed to spiral from his public revelation of being HIV-positive to his candid admissions about substance abuse.

Sheen underwent rehabilitation and became an advocate for HIV awareness, using his platform to break stigmas and encourage regular health check-ups.


Source: KISS1065

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Mabel Andrady

Written by Mabel Andrady

Articles Published: 694

Mabel, aka MJ, is a FandomWire Sr. Writer, pop-culture fanatic, and an MA in Health Demography holder. When she's not indulging in her guilty pleasure of penning everything Hollywood, Marvel & DC, she writes academic essays on COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS. With 2500+ articles published online, she brings a unique twist to entertainment writing. A jack-of-all-trades, MJ enjoys movies, writes/acts in plays, writes music, and dreams of being a successful actress. She offers a fresh perspective, making her writing a must-read for those seeking knowledge and entertainment.