Samuel L. Jackson Turned Down Leading Role in 3-Oscars Nominated $264M Film For Not Finding the Script Interesting Enough

Samuel L. Jackson Turned Down Leading Role in 3-Oscars Nominated $264M Film For Not Finding the Script Interesting Enough
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Samuel L. Jackson is a fantastic actor. His adaptability, charm, and legendary delivery are well-known. He has acted in some of the most well-known and lauded movies ever, including Django Unchained, Pulp Fiction, and The Avengers. Jackson is equally skilled at playing serious and humorous parts, and he even has a talent for bringing the most complicated characters to life.


In his entire Hollywood career spanning decades, the actor has taken many acclaimed and award-winning roles. However, he turned down the lead role in an Oscar-nominated movie just because he couldn’t grasp the objective of the movie. The Truman Show had multiple actors for its lead but it eventually went to Jim Carrey as it was turned down by the other Hollywood actors.

Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson

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Samuel L. Jackson Turned Down the Lead Role of The Truman Show

Samuel L. Jackson turned down the leading role in The Truman Show because he did not find the script interesting enough. Given that the movie later became a critical and financial success and is today regarded as one of the best movies of all time, this is a startling fact, but the actor however does not regret his decision.

Samuel L. Jackson in MCU
Samuel L. Jackson in MCU

Jackson is a highly picky actor, therefore it’s crucial to keep in mind that he only accepts jobs for which he has a sincere enthusiasm. Samuel L. Jackson also claimed that he was not too interested in taking on the role of Truman Burbank because he thought the role required too much passivity and naivety. So excluding the MCU actor, the lead role for the film was turned down by two more actors, namely Robin Williams and Gary Oldman.

Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson

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Samuel L. Jackson’s turning down of the lead role worked out well for both him and the movie. With Jackson as Truman, the movie would have been significantly different from Jim Carrey’s brilliant portrayal. The movie went on to be a great success with $264 million as its box office revenue with the film winning multiple awards and nominations.

Samuel L. Jackson’s Road to Glory in Hollywood

Samuel L. Jackson has played a variety of parts, and most of them have been huge hits. From films that had practically no plot to ones that included performances that won Oscars. Fans adore him since they have seen him repeatedly demonstrate that he is an actor of the finest class. His most prominent roles included those in Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, and numerous MCU films and TV shows as Nick Fury.

Samuel L. Jackson in a still from Pulp Fiction
Samuel L. Jackson in a still from Pulp Fiction

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Jackson has an uncountable number of trophies including the Academy Awards, the BAFTA Awards, and countless others. The actor has an estimated net worth of $250 million and is currently enjoying his life to its fullest after grinding in the industry for decades. He is respected, a great influence on his peers, and has a great fan base and a loving fan following which he slowly gained over the years.

Source: IMDb.

Rajdeep Majumder

Written by Rajdeep Majumder

Articles Published: 675

On top of all things music and pop culture, Rajdeep has a vested interest in the world of film and television. As a dedicated writer, he stays informed about the day-to-day happenings in Hollywood as well as the world of manga. Currently, Rajdeep has accumulated more than 600 published articles on FandomWire under his byline. Looking ahead, he can envision himself leaving a mark in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving world of entertainment journalism.