PS Plus Premium Gets Even Better With Access To 100 Films As Part Of Sony Pictures Core

PS Plus Premium owners will gain access to Sony Pictures Core for free.

PS Plus Premium Gets Even Better With Access To 100 Films As Part Of Sony Pictures Core


  • PS Plus Premium receives new Sony Pictures Core feature.
  • Gamers will receive access to 2,000 movies day one.
  • More movies will be added in the future.
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As of October 5th, PS Plus Premium will receive a new feature for members of the subscription service, as gamers will now gain access to Sony Pictures Core, previously branded as Bravia Core.


With this new feature, players will be able to gain immediate access to over 2,000 Sony Pictures Entertainment films, which can either be rented or bought once the gamer signs up for Sony Pictures Core.

What Is Sony Pictures Core, And Why Has It Been Added To PS Plus Premium?

PS Plus Premium gains access to Sony Pictures Core.
PS Plus Premium gains access to Sony Pictures Core.

As stated above, Sony Pictures Core was previously branded as Bravia Core and was originally only available to those who owned either a Bravia TV or select Xperia devices. Now this has been changed as Bravia Core will be added to PS Plus Premium and be rebranded to Sony Pictures Core, but this change in branding won’t come into effect on Bravia TV’s and Xperia devices until sometime next year.


Now that Sony Pictures Core is gaining more content in its library, it has made the move onto PlayStation consoles through PS Plus Premium for gamers to enjoy as an extra feature within the subscription for players to use on their consoles. With its release, gamers on both PlayStation 4’s and PlayStation 5’s will be able to utilize this new feature on their PlayStation consoles for free if they pay for PS Plus Premium.

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The main reason this has been added to PlayStation consoles is because there is currently a shared goal between Sony Entertainment Pictures and PlayStation to bring a better experience to gamers through their consoles. With this new feature, it will provide gamers with the option to purchase or rent countless films through their PlayStation consoles, and sometime in the next year, it will also provide players with the option to access certain anime through Crunchyroll in Sony Pictures Core as well.


What Other Bonus Content Will This New Feature Provide To PlayStation Gamers?

Gamers will gain access to over 2,000 games through Sony Pictures Core.
Gamers will gain access to over 2,000 games through Sony Pictures Core.

Even though gaining access to over 2,000 films is already a fantastic addition for gamers, there are even more features that will be added along with Sony Pictures Core. Depending on where a gamer lives, there is the possibility of gaining access to additional films within their libraries, as the new Gran Turismo: Based On A True Story is currently available in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

As a bonus, those who purchase this new film will also receive some credit that can be used within Gran Turismo 7, which can be used to purchase cars that are used within the movie. Hopefully this feature will become a popular aspect within this new feature on PlayStation consoles, but it is highly unlikely as there aren’t many games that have films that are either adapted or linked together.

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Currently, there is a plan set forward by Sony Pictures Core so that players with a PS Plus Premium subscription will also be able to gain access to 100 movies that will be periodically updated and be ad-free. For now, all of this new feature will only be available to PS Plus Premium members, but there are plans for additional benefits for other PS Plus subscription members, but there are no details as to what those are just yet.

What do you think about this news regarding Sony Pictures Core coming to PS Plus Premium members? Has this changed your mind about the current price rise that has hit PS Plus subscriptions recently? Let us know in the comments what you think!

Source: PlayStation Blog


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Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 524

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.