Starfield Players Have Discovered a Hidden Location That Is Perfect for Those in Need of Money

Easy money for those in need.

Starfield Players Have Discovered A Hidden Location That Is Perfect For Those In Need Of Money


  • Starfield explorers have discovered a secret location filled with treasure.
  • Players claim the location as a hidden "gold mine."
  • The "Vulture's Roost" has weapons, armor, ships, and more.
  • Players can acquire Digipicks and other items for more money.
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Starfield players need money for almost everything they want, whether it is a ship, weapons, or armor. It isn’t too hard to get money as players can loot other enemies or NPCs, build outposts, and sell items, but getting hands on a solid amount of money is a bit difficult.


Although it is good to explore places and complete missions if one wants to keep earning credits, sometimes it just gets boring. However, the explorers of Starfield have found a secret place that they claim has an abundance of items for players to make money fast, and that too very easily.

Starfield Explorers Find a Hidden Location Full of Treasure

Starfield players have found a hidden location full of treasure.
Starfield players have found a hidden location full of treasure.

Starfield players have found a hidden location filled with loot and contraband, perfect for players short on funds. The hidden location was shared by Redditor u/baberlay on the Starfield subreddit. They claimed it is one of the most underrated locations in the whole game and a fantastic place for players looking to make easy money and amazing items. In their post on Reddit, Baberlay stated,


There’s a location in the Jaffa system on Jaffa IV called Vulture’s Roost, which I visited on a whim based on a slate I’d found at an abandoned weapons outpost, and y’all, this place is a fantastic location for finding tons of loot and contraband.

The Redditor further continued to explain that “Vulture’s Roost” is not a copy-and-pasted abandoned mine or ruined factory, unlike other posts in the game. It is a bar or motel often visited by Ecliptic members, and players will find tough enemies, but it’s all worth it in the end. They added that they acquired over 30 pieces of contraband and valuable weapons, as well as a ship, for free.

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However, players will need to keep a good amount of Digipicks with them so they can unlock doors, safes, and contraband chests to grab everything. One Redditor advised the players that they can “spare digipicks at least for the quarters” and “the key to them is in the toilet.”

The hidden location in Starfield is called "Vulture's Roost" and is full of contraband and other items.
The hidden location in Starfield is called “Vulture’s Roost” and is full of contraband and other items.

Since it is quite hard to find contraband as it is only found as unique loot and doesn’t respawn, the hidden location is a gold mine for players. One player stated that they randomly found the place and were amazed when they got the ship and were easily able to steal, so I guess it’s going well so far for the spacefarers.

Other Ways to Make Money in Starfield

Players will need Digipicks to unlock chests and doors to get the items.
Players will need Digipicks to unlock chests and doors to get the items.

If players are still looking to get more money in the game, there are several other ways to do so. Players can make money off their outposts by selling inorganic materials gathered by their extractor to vendors. Most of the stuff players find will be common or uncommon, but exotic resources will give them a substantial sum. There is one not-so-moral way for players to get some money by looting the dead bodies of Crimson Fleet members or spacers, which gives players some currency.

Exploring places and completing missions from the missions board is another good way to earn money if players like to travel and just wander. Players can also sell the junk on their inventory or other items not useful to them; they would not sell for good, but even a little is good to keep players going if they are in need of money.


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There are also several glitches in Starfieldincluding one that lets players find the hidden chests containing vendor inventories and raid them for their credits. However, the glitch is said to be addressed by Bethesda with its latest patch, and players who still haven’t installed the update can acquire credits from the inventory.

What are your thoughts about the new hidden location discovered by explorers in Starfield? Have you spotted any other secret locations in the game? Let us know in the comments!


Source: Reddit

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Written by Rohit Tiwari

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Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.