GTA 6: There Is a Chance That the Final Product Could Look Even Better Than the Trailer

According to an ex-animator at Rockstar, the game might look exactly like the trailer.

GTA 6: There Is a Chance That the Final Product Could Look Even Better Than the Trailer


  • Mike York, a former animator at Rockstar, studies the trailer carefully.
  • He explains how the trailer accurately predicts the gameplay.
  • Mike's experience working as an animator gives viewers better insight into the trailer.
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GTA 6’s first official trailer isn’t new to an ongoing ocean of analysis. Several YouTubers and fellow internet users have been speculating on the game’s details, trying to predict how the actual game will look and feel. But there’s one particular YouTuber who stands out from the crowd, and his take on the trailer is something fans are finding insightful and believable.


A week ago, a former animator at Rockstar uploaded a video sharing his thoughts about the trailer and every little detail he could spot from the perspective of an animator and developer. What backs his claims is the simple fact that Mike has worked on previous titles by Rockstar, including the massive hit Red Dead Redemption 2.

According to Mike, GTA 6 Might Look and Feel Even Better Than What We See in the Trailer

The trailer's shots are in-engine streams and not pre-rendered footage.
The trailer’s shots are in-engine streams and not pre-rendered footage.

York Reacts is a channel where Mike finds the perfect place to give out honest reactions about game reveals, trailers, and so on. His charisma and insights are nothing but charming, and GTA 6’s trailer made him speak about his own experience working as an animator with sincere passion.


A big question left in the minds of many after watching the trailer was the accuracy of the trailer. Will the game even look as good as the trailer, or should we lower our expectations? Well, Mike has cleared up this doubt with his own experience animating cutscenes.

GTA VI Trailer 1 Reaction from previous Rockstar Animator Part 2

According to him, the trailer is streaming in-engine footage and not something that is pre-rendered. The assets in the footage simply aren’t pre-rendered and then loaded in. Mike further claimed how in-game footage is often used to address trailers and cutscenes, especially when Rockstar wants to showcase the debut of its next big title:


They make their in-game assets look so real that they use those in-game assets as their actual cutscenes. It’s really powerful that way because it gives them a lot of leeway on different cameras and things you can do in the game.

All in all, the trailer simply shows off the true potential of the game, if nothing else. Now that’s something to be excited about.

Mike’s Experience Working on GTA 5 and RDR 2 Works Its Way Into His Analysis

GTA 6 will feature various animations to make the world feel rich and alive.
GTA 6 will feature various animations to make the world feel rich and alive.

Mike explains how he remembers working on hundreds and thousands of animations just so that the game has something to offer regardless of what the player does. This is also the reason why the animations in Red Dead Redemption 2 are so detailed and somewhat ‘slow’ for a few players.

This makes the overall experience nuanced and realistic, making the open world so believable and fun to be in. This is true for GTA 6 too, where the trailer pretty much portrays how highly detailed these animations are going to be.


He goes on to ensure that when the game actually comes out, it’s likely that we’ll see more of what was shown in the trailer. There’s a practice that Rockstar (and many other companies) follow, where the in-game footage might show off everything that seems perfect in those few frames.

For instance, there will be more fog, foliage, animals, etc., which might not be the case every time you approach that place in-game. But this doesn’t mean that it’s not entirely possible.

Mike York’s career at Rockstar has been quite a journey, according to his insights. He has previously worked on GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, where he was responsible for the final polish for keyframe animals and characters. As you may have guessed, his experience plays an important role in how he reads into GTA 6’s trailer, and his analysis is much appreciated.


It’s fair to share some skepticism regarding the game’s actual quality, but for the time being, we can only wait and watch how Rockstar reveals more about GTA 6, including the much-anticipated gameplay deep-dive.

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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 570

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.