March 5th May be the Biggest Day in Four Years for PlayStation’s Ghost of Tsushima Franchise, if Rumours are True

Ghost of Tsushima could be the latest PlayStation Studios title to get a PC port.

March 5th May be the Biggest Day in Four Years for PlayStation's Ghost of Tsushima Franchise, if Rumours are True


  • Rumors suggest that a Ghost of Tsushima related announcement will take place on March 5th.
  • PlayStation Studios continues their PC campaign with another port.
  • Fans may have to wait a bit longer for the Ghost of Tsushima sequel.
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Ghost of Tsushima took the world on a trip down memory lane by revisiting Feudal Japan and taking on the role of Jin Sakai as he saves his island from the Monggol Empire. Sucker Punch Productions struck gold with the success of their newest IP and being one of the last exclusive titles to launch on the last generation’s PlayStation 4 system. Apparently, exclusivity no longer has any bearing since Sony has opted to port their first-party titles to PC and it seems like Ghost of Tsushima is next.


Ghost of Tsushima Setting Sail to PC

Ghost of Tsushima could be the latest PlayStation Studios title to receive a PC port.
Ghost of Tsushima is a great addition to PlayStation’s portfolio.

If the rumors are true, PC gamers are in for a treat, and given how well-received the original game was, the studio behind the game has developed a multiplayer co-op mode called Legends. Perhaps there is a chance for cross-play between PC and PlayStation 5 users down the road.

Sony has taken a great interest in this franchise and despite not having a formal announcement for a sequel, job listings seem to suggest otherwise. With the Director’s Cut treatment that features quality-of-life improvements and an expansion focusing on Iki Island and a live-action feature film soon, Sony is without a doubt capitalizing on this franchise.


When news broke about PlayStation sharing their exclusives on a different platform, there were some mixed feelings and thoughts shared across the community. It was a big deal because they were PlayStation’s strongest assets which could have made them lose their tactical advantage, but in hindsight, it could be the opposite.

Taking this news with a grain of salt, there could potentially be a surprise announcement coming this March 5th that will disappoint those expecting an update for a sequel. If Sony saw fit to port their most profitable IPs like God of War and The Last of Us Part I, it was only a matter of time before the rest would follow.


This strategy would boost the popularity of their franchises and build momentum for the release of inevitable sequels that will then be locked on their original home platform which will force the hands of consumers to pick up a PS5 to play these newer titles. Controversial but also brilliant from a business perspective, it shows Sony’s generosity while helping their agenda.

RIP Only On PlayStation Slogan, Ghost of Tsushima Is The Final Nail On the Coffin.

Ghost of Tsushima launched on the PlayStation 4 in 2020 with a Director's Cut for the PS5 a year later.
Ghost of Tsushima launched on the PlayStation 4 in 2020 with a Director’s Cut for both the PS4 and PS5 with extra content.

Sony has been very clear that they are interested in entering the PC space with how they were acquiring studios with expertise in that field to help port their titles, but they won’t abandon their focus on their flagship too. High risk by dividing their focus but a high return if they play their cards right.

Ghost of Tsushima was another PlayStation hit and a shame to be locked on one platform. What are your thoughts about this move? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 750

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.