Marvel Rivals Joins Helldivers 2 and Escape From Tarkov in Bowing to Community Pressure After Announcing Huge Change-up for the Closed Alpha Test

Marvel Rivals has got a good thing going, and NetEase clearly does not wish to put a damper on things.

marvel rivals joins helldivers 2


  • Recently, NetEase was mired in a bit of controversy surrounding Marvel Rivals' preview contract.
  • The contract, shared with content creators, included clauses prohibited testers from negatively reviewing the game.
  • Fortunately, NetEase quickly backtracked the decision and apologized for the miscommunication.
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As of writing, Marvel Rivals is doing extremely well for itself. The game’s alpha test has had an overall positive reception, and fans are very pleased with how the game handles most of its characters. However, the game’s preview contract provided to content creators birthed a few complicated feelings in the community.


Fortunately enough, NetEase was quick to realize the error in its ways and decided to clarify what the contract meant and redo its terms. At least someone’s quick on the uptake—looking at you, Tarkov.

Somewhat Controversial Contract For Marvel Rivals Alpha Test Is Now Being Withdrawn and Reworked

Admittedly, NetEase's latest controversy feels ominous for Marvel Rivals' future.
Admittedly, NetEase’s latest controversy feels ominous for Marvel Rivals‘ future.

Shortly after the beginning of its much-awaited closed alpha test, Marvel Rivals‘ developer, NetEase, put out a contract to various streamers and content creators, sharing a few terms related to its preview window. One of the contract’s clauses, however, struck a bad chord within the community. Ominously, it states that:


Non-Disparagement: The Content Creator agrees not to make any public statements or engage in discussions that are detrimental to the reputation of the game.

This included but was not limited to “Making disparaging or satirical comments” as well as “Engaging in malicious comparisons with competitors or belittling the gameplay” among other things.

Reactions to this clause ranged from indifference to rage, with people noting that any bad press outside of constructive criticism would only harm Marvel Rivals’ long-term prospects, presumably what NetEase was trying to avoid here.

Regardless, NetEase quickly released a statement on its Discord server, stating:


“We are aware that there are inappropriate and misleading terms in the commitment regarding non-disparagement content. We sincerely apologize for the miscommunication and your unpleasant experience.” 

Continuing from here, they shared how they look forward to constructive suggestions regarding the game. Not only that, but they’ll be reworking the contract and consistently sharing progress with all creators promptly. Admittedly, this was a good move on the developer’s part.

NetEase’s Reaction Stands in Stark Contrast to Tarkov’s Recent Controversy

At the very least, NetEase didn't follow Battlestate's method of trying to bury its head in the sand
At the very least, the developer didn’t follow Battlestate’s method of trying to bury its head in the sand

Developing a game is an experience similar to caring for a growing baby, except for taking care of all the excretory stuff. While some “parents” put a lot of care and love into the process, others may not share quite the sentiment. Helldivers 2‘s Arrowhead, for instance, is the epitome of the former.

Now, whether the developer falls into either of the two categories is something only time will tell, but Battlestate Games, the developer behind Escape from Tarkov, is in the latter. It’s times like these when one is reminded of how badly it fumbled the bag with the controversy surrounding the Unheard Edition of the game.


Ignoring the pleas of the community, then trying to negotiate, only to then bend the knee while losing all respect your players had for you, is not the way to go. Thankfully, though, we now live in a world where Helldivers 2 and Marvel Rivals‘ developers didn’t follow suit with their respective controversies.

NetEase handled its way around the sparks of controversy this time, but what do you think awaits them in the future? Do you see Marvel Rivals being a major success for the developers? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 71

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.