“I now know why Tony Stark fired this guy”: Terrence Howard Claims That Black Holes Do Not Exist on JRE and Fans Have Lost Their Minds

Terrence Howard challenges conventional science with his opinion on the existence of black holes.

Terrence Howard & Robert Downey Jr


  • Terrence Howard denies the existence of black holes during a recent appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience.
  • According to Howard, scientists are detecting vortices and not black holes.
  • Viewers had mixed reactions to Howard’s comment with some agreeing with him and others mocking him.
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Before Don Cheadle gladly made James Rhodes a.k.a. War Machine his own, it was actor Terrence Howard who played the role in Iron Man (2008). Due to a series of unfortunate events, the actor was replaced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He once told Hollywood.com that Iron Man was responsible for killing or trying to kill, his career in the film industry.

Terrence Howard as James "Rhodey" Rhodes with Iron Man
Terrence Howard as James “Rhodey” Rhodes in Iron Man (2008) | Marvel Studios

Now, Terrence Howard is the talk of the town for a completely different reason. We all know that the universe is a vast space and breakthroughs are constantly being made in science as scientists try to figure out what’s really out there. An extremely important discovery in the industry is that of the Black Hole but apparently, they don’t seem to be real. Well, at least according to Terrence Howard.

Terrence Howard Doesn’t Believe in Black Holes

Terrence Howard on The Joe Rogan Experience
Terrence Howard discusses black holes | Credit: The Joe Rogan Experience #2152

A black hole is defined as a region where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it – not even light and other electromagnetic waves. Scientists like Albert Einstein, John Michell, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Karl Schwarzschild, and more have contributed to the findings of black holes. However, Terrence Howard is convinced that they do not exist.


During the actor’s appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience’s #2152 episode, host Joe Rogan asked him, “What do you think a black hole is?” to which he replied,

It doesn’t exist. There aren’t black holes. There’s no spot where energy goes in and never comes back out. There’s no place in the universe where the information paradox occurs. Where there isn’t a balance, something gets contracted and never comes out. That’s not how the universe behaves. It comes in and it goes out.

 When Newton said that gravity pulls down with that apple, yes, the apple was attracted to, like, conditions on the earth. It was attracted to like conditions. If he had spent another week or two weeks watching that apple, he would have watched the gasses go right back up to where they were equalized. Everything. If it comes this way, it has to go this way. You breathe in, you breathe out. It’s filling in or pouring out.

When Rogan further questioned him asking that if the black holes aren’t real, like he says, what are the scientists detecting when they say they have detected a black hole? The actor stated,

What that shift that they’re talking about. That’s the tornado. Remember, there’s a vortice. There’s all these huge vortices. Everything is spinning around a vortices. So a collection of larger vortices is going to have the same thing that’s happening at the center of the galaxy is happening in the center of a hurricane. It’s happening in your toilet stool.

Clearly, Howard is convinced that black holes do not exist and that it is “the tornado” that scientists keep detecting, instead. Do you agree with the Iron Man actor?


Fans React to Terrence Howard’s Comments

Terrence Howard, Jon Favereau, and Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man (2008).
A still from Iron Man | Marvel Studios

After Howard made his opinion on the matter clear, it was obvious that a ton of people were going to have to say a ton of things to the actor. While a few of them agree with his statements and believe that he has a point, many others couldn’t help themselves from trolling the actor.

Here’s what netizens had to say about it all:

@outlawblack123: I now know why Tony Stark fired this guy.

@morgandavis6788: I mean are we being f-cking serious? Ever since Don Cheadle walked into the courtroom in Iron Man 2 this f-cking dude has been malfunctioning on an insane level.

@switchflow5405: Joe deserves a best acting award for keeping a straight face.

@Badkhela: I, for one, trust him more than I trust what mainstream scientists tell me.

@sjoncb: This man has 97 patents that major corporations are using and have made $billions YET the comment section is full of people who discredit him.

@ArzaleGavinci: Bro 97 patents I think he knows what he’s talking about….more than any of us in the comments at least.

Clearly, Howard has viewers divided into two teams. Are you on Team Howard when it comes to black holes or do you believe what the scientists say instead?


Written by Mishkaat Khan

Articles Published: 1294

Mishkaat is a medical student who found solace in content writing. Having worked in the industry for about three years, she has written about everything from medicine to literature and is now happy to enlight you about the world of entertainment. She has written over a thousand articles for FandomWire. When not writing, she can be found obsessing over the world of the supernatural through books and TV.