“Sony copies everything Microsoft does”: PlayStation Reportedly Joining Xbox in the Mobile Platform Market in a Pretty Big Way

Sony is also seemingly making a new move.

Playstation and Xbox


  • Sony is reportedly aiming to open a PlayStation-based free-to-play mobile platform for new games.
  • These games will follow the same standards of quality that the company has with its exclusive titles.
  • A job listing that detailed the entire platform idea seemingly confirmed this.
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The industry is always mutating something new, so it is natural to meet the demands of the fans. At the beginning of the month, Microsoft announced that it would be opening a web store for mobile games. 


The store will operate independently of all major policies set by other major retailers, such as Apple and Google. Apparently, this company will not be the only one to try this strategy. Sony has confirmed that it is looking to open a free-to-play platform for mobile games relating to PlayStation IPs with the same quality.

Sony is Following the Same Strategy as Microsoft with an Upcoming PlayStation Mobile Games Platform

PlayStation is reportedly aiming to launch a mobile platform like Microsoft.
PlayStation is reportedly aiming to launch a mobile platform like Microsoft.

This news came as quite a surprise for a lot of fans, especially because Microsoft has just announced its own mobile platform that is also in development. Sony will seemingly only focus on free-to-play titles that will have the same quality standard as any other PlayStation exclusive title. This was discovered on a job listing that is looking for an architect for the new platform that the company is going to make.


The listing also indicates that this designer needs to have more than eight years of experience in these kinds of projects.

This platform’s idea is to innovate and help users find the games they want to play in the most intuitive way possible.


At the moment, Sony has no official mobile games or even adaptations of big franchises, so these titles could be the first great investment for the company in the market.

The Mobile Market Could Be the Future for Both Xbox and PlayStation

Sony is already looking for an architect for the platform.
Sony is already looking for an architect for the platform.

With this new strategy, Sony is expanding the brand even further than the PC and the PlayStation console. The company is looking to make movies, series, and now mobile games with the most popular IPs that the brand has. This is a very aggressive expansion that is trying to compensate for the lack of sales in hardware, so it has not only depended on certain platforms to ensure good sales. Sony is taking a risk, as are Microsoft and Xbox.


This new platform is probably in the early stages of development, so it will take some time to be even in the beta testing phase. Sony is planning several years ahead to expand the reach of the large IPs it owns. This will probably be released at some point in 2027 or 2026. PlayStation is only preparing the idea to see the reception that the brand has in the upcoming years and to see if this idea can work.

At the moment, there are many rumors saying that Sony will be revealing a new PlayStation showcase in the latest days of May. This rumor has been circulating since last month, and the company has not confirmed or denied it. According to the latest words from the brand, the exclusive titles with big budgets will be released sometime in 2025, but they can be announced in this possible showcase that could happen.

What are your thoughts about this new mobile store? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 638

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.