Kohei Horikoshi was Stuck with a Major Limitation for My Hero Academia that He Couldn’t Fix

Kohei Horikoshi's approach for My Hero Academia became a big problem for the series.

My Hero Academia Anime


  • For a decade, My Hero Academia has entertained fans with themes of fantasy and superheroes in a high school setting.
  • However, this unique method may have been a significant restriction for My Hero Academia.
  • Horikoshi once described why he chose the high school surroundings for his story and how it caused a problem later on.
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The final war in My Hero Academia finally ended with the defeat of All for One in Chapter 423. Izuku Midoriya, or, as he is popularly known, Deku, was able to land the finishing blow on All for One with the help of his friends and classmates. Later on, the vestiges of One for All and Shigaraki Tomura were able to fully destroy the antagonist.

My Hero Academia.
My Hero Academia | Bones Inc.

With the final war ending, Kohei Horikoshi’s magnum opus might come to an end sooner than expected. The series has been entertaining fans for ten years with the themes of fantasy and superheroes in a high school setting, which was quite a unique approach. However, this unique approach might have become a major limitation for My Hero Academia.

Horikoshi once revealed the reason behind him choosing the high school environment for his narrative and how it became a problem later on in My Hero Academia that he could not fix as it was too late.


Kohei Horikoshi Reveals the Biggest Limitation of My Hero Academia

In one of his interviews, which was later translated and shared by @nakurawari on Tumblr, My Hero Academia’s creator was asked about the limitations that he had to face because of adapting the entire narrative into a high school environment. Horikoshi explained the reason behind choosing the high school and combining it with the superhero theme.

Horikoshi stated:

It does feel that way doesn’t it? (laughs) I’ve always loved stories of how an individual hero came to be before they became real heroes themselves, which is why I picked a high school setting, a place inspiring heroes can learn. But it does become a problem when trying to branch out the multitude of story lines.

My Hero Academia.
Class 1-A | Bones Inc.

According to the mangaka, he was really interested in the origin stories of the heroes and how they became the characters that they are today, which is why he chose to portray My Hero Academia through a high school background, but it became a problem as he was not able to expand the story according to his imagination.


The High School Environment Was A Necessary Evil For My Hero Academia

Although Kohei Horikoshi faced some problems because of the high school setting of My Hero Academia, it gave the series a new perspective that connected with the fans. Superheroes saving the world and going through life struggles are quite a common occurrence in the entertainment world.

UA High School - My Hero Academia | Bones Inc.
UA High School – My Hero Academia | Bones Inc.

However, for the same superheroes, learning about their quirk in addition to figuring out their lives in school made it a little bit more dramatic and connecting. It gave a new look to the themes of hard work, team effort, trust among friends, etc. from a student’s point of view, thus indirectly adding a realistic approach to a fantasy manga.

Now, the story has essentially reached its final moments, and with the upcoming release of My Hero Academia Chapter 424 on June 2, fans will get to know the aftermath of the final war and how Horikoshi is going to bring an end to one of the biggest anime and manga series of all time.


You can watch My Hero Academia on Netflix and Hulu and read the manga on Viz Media.


Written by Tarun Kohli

Articles Published: 1293

Konichiwa! With a Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and a 2-year experience in Digital media writing, I am on my way to becoming one of the biggest anime content writers in my country. My passion for writing and Anime has helped me connect with Fandomwire, and share my love and experience with the world.