Helldivers 2’s Devs Turned the Tide on Some of the Hate and Listened to the Communication Issues Plaguing the Game for Months

Fans are loving this responsiveness.

helldivers 2, communication issues


  • Helldivers 2 players want clearer intel for missions and objectives.
  • Lack of communication between the fanbase and Arrowhead has caused outrage.
  • Arrowhead has responded with helpful in-game intel on objectives and strategies.
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Helldivers 2 blasted onto the gaming scene with a huge bang. At its core, it offered another dose of over-the-top cooperative action on different alien worlds. While the basis is democracy in the name of Super Earth, which is at all times addictive, some cracks began to appear as days went on. 


One of the problems projected itself in the form of communication issues between the developers, Arrowhead Game Studios, and the Helldivers 2 community. However, the recent turning of the tide has shown some signs of improvement and fans are loving it. 

The Helldivers 2 Community is Outraged at Arrowhead Studios

Helldivers 2 is slowly getting better and better once again.
Helldivers 2 is slowly getting better and better once again.

The initial frustration of the community resulted from a lack of clear intel from High Command. Many Helldivers felt the mission objects were shrouded in secrecy, didn’t know what planets to target, and some in-game mechanics were left without explanation, making entire squads scratch their heads.


For instance, there is no recon report on a hostile planet and just a vague directive with a whole lot of angry bugs such as Terminids. It’s not exactly the recipe for a successful democratic intervention.

These communication issues didn’t start yesterday, and the community has been expressing outrage for the last couple of months. After being confused, lost, and on the verge of asking for a refund, it seems that the devs have finally listened to the war cries, turning the tide and giving some credit to the community. 

Arrowhead is Turning the Tide on Communication Issues

Arrowhead is finally responding.
Arrowhead is finally responding.

It seems like Arrowhead is addressing the concern. In-game announcements and the Galactic War Table are a welcome change, as they give more details and explanations.


Y’all notice we’re starting to get more information from the announcements in game?
byu/IceColdCocaCola545 inHelldivers

This has been very well greeted by players who were once confused. One of many Helldivers has praised getting intel on the importance of anti-tank mines for defending scientists.

While some players remain cautiously optimistic, there is a general feeling that Arrowhead is listening to feedback and improving communication with the Helldivers 2 community by adding the intel as the players progress through their missions.


byu/IceColdCocaCola545 from discussion

With the recent positive change, players have already begun to theorize and express desires for the future mechanics of the game. Some players would like better explanations for existing mechanics beyond the humorous and cryptic style presented in the game’s intro.

Furthermore, they would prefer a clear distinction between critical information and in-game text. For instance, using color coding (blue for good intel, red for bad) could be helpful.


These and many other suggestions on Helldivers 2 show that the game has a passionate community that doesn’t shy away from expressing their wants and desires. With the recent changes, it feels like Arrowhead is ready to listen and implement the changes. 

This is just one step in the right direction, and with continued improvement, Helldivers 2 can become an even more popular co-op shooter. The only thing Arrowhead needs to do is listen to their Helldivers.

Do you think that Helldivers 2‘s communication issues have been completely eradicated? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Nikola Pajtic

Articles Published: 52

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or video game, and watching new Doctor Who episodes.