“We had more of a harsh character idea for him”: Avatar: The Last Airbender Almost Butchered Uncle Iroh in Original Plan

Iroh is known by audiences a funny and loving character, that was not always the case for the character.

Uncle Iroh and Avatar the last airbender


  • Avatar: The Last Airbender creator Bryan Konietzko revealed that initially, General Iroh was nowhere as nice as he is depicted in the show.
  • The character was initially expected to be a militaristic and stoic character, that would have been vastly different from what audiences have seen in the show.
  • Had the show gone ahead with the original characterization of Iroh, it might have turned to be quite different for characters he has advised, like Zuko and Aang.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender has a slew of likable characters, of which General Iroh of the Fire Nation remains one of the most beloved characters among the fans of the show. Working as a foil for Prince Zuko in the narrative, Iroh is one of the most powerful characters in the show and was a former general of the Fire Nation.

General Iroh and Prince Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender | Nickelodeon
General Iroh and Prince Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender | Nickelodeon

Despite being one of the strongest characters in the show, Iroh is always depicted in a jovial mood, never angry or agitated (unless the situation calls for it), the character is often the voice of calm and reason wherever a situation gets too tense. However, the character was almost nothing like how fans have come to know him in the show, given that creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino have revealed what the original plans for General Iroh were.

Iroh was originally written to be a much more stoic character

Uncle Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender | Nickelodeon
Uncle Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender | Nickelodeon

Bryan Konietzko revealed that Iroh was initially conceived as a harsher character. The point was to make Iroh a much more militaristic presence in the show. Speaking with Anime Superhero, the creator revealed:


Definitely. I think we had more of a harsh character idea for him. More of a strict kind of kung-fu sifu guy, and Aaron really humanized him. And what was cool was that the original idea was just a younger version of Iroh. He used to be that really hard-core general and military guy, and now he’s sort of in his golden years.

As a younger man, Iroh was exactly as the initial version of the character is described. However, the death of his son Lu Ten, not only mellowed the character but showed him the error of his ways and the ways of the Fire Nation, turning him into the character that fans have come to know and love.

The Original Iroh would have been an odd character for Avatar: The Last Airbender

General Iroh’s original characterization would have set up an interesting dynamic between him and Zuko and would have been an interesting ally for Team Avatar. The character’s stoic nature might not have been something that Zuko would have responded to well, given the cold treatment he received from his father before his Agni Kai.

Iron’s characterization in the show is a great fit for the tone and the aesthetic that the show goes for. Not only does it serve the show better, but it also helps further the character arc of Zuko, and in many ways, even Aang. The character as it stands, is a great source of support for not just characters in the story, but also a slew of people who have watched the show, which might not have been the case if Iroh was more militaristic.




Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 726

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.