“Look Jamie, I’m sorry man”: MCU’s Original War Machine Terrence Howard Had to Say Sorry to Jamie Foxx After Criticising His Music

Jamie Foxx Made Terrence Howard Eat the Humble Pie After He Made Fun Of His Music.

terrence howard, jamie foxx


  • Terrence Howard apologized to Jamie Foxx after disparaging one of his music albums.
  • Jamie Foxx made jokes about Terrence Howard's "unsolicited" comments.
  • The two MCU stars got awkward after bumping into each other in the middle of the whole ordeal.
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While Electro and War Machine may not have crossed paths in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jamie Foxx and Terrence Howard most certainly clashed off-screen. Literally and metaphorically. Things even got heated between the two at one point, so much so that Howard had to apologize to the Oscar-winning actor.

Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx as Electro in the MCU (Credit: Marvel)

Although Foxx doesn’t seem to have held any resentment against the other star, the situation did appear precarious between the two actors at the time. But alas, all’s well that end’s well, or so they say.

Why Terrence Howard Had to Apologize to Jamie Foxx

The world might know Jamie Foxx as a renowned actor with a stellar sense of humor, but his talents aren’t limited to the film and comedy industry, they extend to music as well. From bagging multiple film awards to becoming a Grammy winner, the Ray star has 5 certified studio albums in his arsenal of versatility and an array of acclaimed movies (via Genius).


A contemporary R&B singer and songwriter, the assiduous MCU actor has proved himself as a multitalented star on more than one occasion. And yet, it looks like Terrence Howard remained unimpressed by Foxx’s list of accolades and achievements, especially concerning his music.

Terrence Howard
Terrence Howard in Iron Man (2008) (Credit: Marvel)

Howard, who played James Rhodes aka War Machine in the very first Iron Man film, lambasted Foxx’s music, claiming it was “not that good.” But the Empire star soon found himself on the receiving end of Foxx’s derision. And that’s how Howard ended up apologizing to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 actor for dishing out “unsolicited” comments (via Sway’s Universe).

“Well, Jamie had a right to do it cause I shouldn’t have commented on Jamie’s album […] Look Jamie, I’m sorry man, you’re still my man. And I dig what you did in Django [Unchained].”

Well, at least he sounded sincere.


The Awkward Tension Between Jamie Foxx & Terrence Howard

Foxx, for the most part, took Howard’s remark in stride save for the occasional taunt here and there. While the former did admit being caught off guard a little by Howard’s out-of-the-blue opinion about his music, he believed that “everybody made it bigger than it what it was” (via Dish Nation).

Despite the two men deliberately turning it into a slightly comic situation, they nevertheless got embroiled in an awkward run-in at the Four Seasons Hotel. And it was “weird,” to say the least.

Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx in Django Unchained (2012) (Credit: Sony Pictures)

“It was kind of weird […] Boom! The elevator opens. He walks in, he’s like, ‘Uhh, what’s going on with all the jokes man?’ And you know what I said? ‘I’m just playing man.'”

Maybe Howard found the whole ordeal less funny than Foxx did since he became the b*tt of the joke to some extent. But then again, that’s on Foxx’s comedic timing. After all, he is a professional comedian.


Written by Khushi

Articles Published: 827

With a prolific knowledge of everything pop culture and a strong penchant for writing, Khushi has penned over 700 articles during her time as an author at FandomWire.
An abnormal psychology student and an fervent reader of dark fiction, her most trusted soldiers are coffee and a good book.