The Most Shocking, Controversial, and Baffling Moment of Borderlands 2 Was Shown to Players Right at the Start, and It’ll Make Your Experience Worse Once You Realize

In cases like Borderlands', foreshadowing events only makes things worse.

borderlands 2


  • Borderlands is a series full of unexpected twists and turns, but it also hides a layer of darkness under some cheeky foreshadowing.
  • For example, one of the series' most controversial moments was foreshadowed in the game's beginning hours.
  • Interestingly enough, the moment is only one of the many examples of these games foreshadowing their future events.
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Expecting the unexpected’s been an integral part of players’ experience in every Borderlands game. Even though the series is known for its art style and humor, fans understand that these games don’t shy away from delivering some shocking moments.


Spoiler alert, but the most striking example of this comes from Roland’s death in Borderlands 2, a moment that saddened many of the first game’s fans. However, you may be surprised to know that the title was foreshadowing this from the moment we reunite with him in the game.

Borderlands 2 Warned Its Players of Roland’s Tragic and Untimely Demise

The early Borderlands games continue to remain one of the most memorable experiences out there.
The early Borderlands games continue to remain one of the most memorable looter-shooters out there.

With an insane opening, Borderlands 2 promised its players tenfolds of the first game’s sheer insanity while also featuring the return of beloved characters. One of these characters was Roland, a playable character from the first game who returns as the leader of the Crimson Raiders.


During the mission “Where Angels Fear to Tread (Part 2),” the character gets shot in the back by Handsome Jack as he attempts to take the Vault key. It’s a brief and baffling end to a beloved character, hitting the players with zero buildup.

Fascinatingly enough, this shocking event was foreshadowed near the start of the game when we’re tasked with rescuing Jack. Once you’ve battled your way to Roland’s bunker, notice the framing of the cutscene and the ominously written “YOU DIE” above Roland’s bed. Perhaps pumping with the adrenaline brought on by the mission, players may not be able to catch on to this sign early on, but it feels like a clear message of Roland’s fate in the future.

Admittedly, though, it’s sad knowing that we could’ve done something to avoid his death, at least story-wise. What’s also frustrating is how none of the original Vault Hunters seemingly do anything about the event. One can only surmise it to be Borderlands simply hiding its darker themes under many layers of whimsicality.


Early Borderlands Games Were Rife With Dark Undertones and Themes

Roland's bunker was a clear case of foreshadowing on the developers' part.
Roland’s bunker in Borderlands 2 was a clear case of foreshadowing on the developers’ part.

To the general gaming public, the Borderlands franchise may appear as nothing more than a lighthearted looter-shooter, thanks to its recent outings. However, the reality is a far cry from that, for there is much more going on with this franchise than its surface shows.

Fans of the series, especially those who have stuck with it since the early days, know how beneath its vibrant, cel-shaded art and irreverent humor lies a series capable of delivering profoundly emotional and impactful moments.

Roland’s demise is only one of the many examples of the series balancing its joyful side and its heavier narrative beats. Although Borderlands may have lost its footing in the modern era of gaming, straying from its roots in the process, players remain eager to return to Pandora. After all, despite the series’ downfall, Borderlands remains unmatched in the looter-shooter genre.


What are your thoughts on the foreshadowing surrounding Roland’s death? Were you able to pick on it when you first played the game? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 106

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.