“If you’re looking for Han Solo, you’re in the wrong franchise”: Ryan Condal Breaks the Bubble of Game of Thrones Fans About a Weirdly Popular Character

Ryan Condal clarifies Matt Smith's Daemon Targaryen is not heroic like Han Solo.

game of thrones, han solo


  • Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon is one of the best fantasy shows ever created.
  • But fans have found issues with the character development of Matt Smith's Daemon Targaryen.
  • Series creator Ryan Condal however, does not understands fans' obsession with the morally grey character.
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The Game of Thrones prequel House of Dragon has so far had a good run and has quickly become one of the best fantasy shows of all time. Created by George R. R. Martin and Ryan Condal, the show takes place nearly 200 years before the events of the original series. Featuring how the House Targaryen lost its influence and the war of succession that followed, the show nonetheless has had spectacular reviews and reactions.

House of the Dragon. | Credit: Max.
House of the Dragon | HBO Entertainment

Yet there have been moments and events that fans found issues with. One of the most significant issues of the series is the development of Matt Smith’s Daemon Targaryen, which fans have to view more as hero-like. But in an interview, Condal clarified he is not like Han Solo-like character.

Ryan Condal on Game of Thrones’ Daemon Targaryen

Matt Smith
Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon | HBO Entertainment

Daemon Targaryen is portrayed by Matt Smith in the Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon. A major draw for fans, fans have come to love his the most, throughout the series. However, there nonetheless have been moments and character arcs that fans do not seem to agree about.


For instance in Episode 10 of the series’ first season, also the season finale, fans did not agree with how Smith’s Daemon Targaryen displayed his anger and choked Rhaenyra after she tried to explain to him about Aegon the Conqueror’s Song of Ice and Fire dream. Many fans felt this one moment ruined all the character development he’d had through the course of season 1.

In an interview with The New York Times, Ryan Condal however clarified that Smith’s character is not a hero like Star Wars‘ Han Solo.

I see Daemon as having heroic aspects to him, and I understand why people would. I mean, he’s incredibly charismatic, he’s handsome, he looks great in that wig, he rides a dragon, he has a cool sword. I totally get it. But if you’re looking for Han Solo, who’s always going to do the right thing in the end, you’re in the wrong franchise, folks.

Thus, in a way, more rooted in reality instead of being just a typical hero, fans certainly do not seem to agree with this fact. For them, they would rather have a hero instead of a morally grey character.


Ryan Condal Does Not Understand Fans’ Fascination Towards Daemon Targaryen

Matt Smith in House of the Dragons
Matt Smith in House of the Dragons | HBO Entertainment

House of the Dragon has never portrayed Matt Smith’s Daemon Targaryen as either a villain or a hero. Unlike Han Solo, Targaryen is more of a morally grey character and possesses both admirable and reprehensible qualities. However, fans seem to have different opinions about the character and have developed some strong opinions about his moral standing.

But House of Dragon creator, Ryan Condal states he does not understand fans’ fascination for him in his interview with The New York Times,

I’m having trouble understanding it. We established right out of the gate, in the pilot, that Daemon is a fascinating guy, but he’s not Ned Stark. So I didn’t see it coming… I did not think they would oddly apply this sort of super-fandom to him and try to justify every single thing he’s done as being intrinsically heroic. It simply isn’t. It’s not the case. Nor will it be in the future.

Condal then added that for him, Daemon Targaryen is a dangerous and charming dark character who has a real darkness to him and that there are no villains or heroes in the series but only interesting and complex human beings.


House of Dragon can be streamed on HBO Max.


Written by Maria Sultan

Articles Published: 1392

Maria Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. Having honed her skills are a Freelance and Professional content writer for more than 5 years (and counting), her expertise spans various genres and content type. A Political Science and History Graduate, her deep interest in the world around shapes her writing, blending her insights across diverse themes.

Outside the realm of writing, Maria can be often found buried in the world of books or pursuing art or engaged in fervent discussions about anything or everything, her passions balanced by binge watching Kdramas, Anime, Movies or Series during leisure hours.