In a Rare Sign of Solidarity, Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, and Epic Games All Team Up to Smash the Average Gamer with a Ridiculous Rule

As it stands, your digital gaming accounts are dying with you.

Xbox, Playstation, Steam and Epic Games


  • Xbox, Steam, and other platforms prevent transferring accounts after death, even if your will states it.
  • Workarounds include sharing login info, but these may not be foolproof as extended activity may look suspicious.
  • GOG is slightly more flexible, allowing potential solutions with a court order, but an industry-wide change needs to happen.
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Bad news Xbox users, it looks like upon your passing, the entire digital library you’ve accrued over the years isn’t transferrable upon your death, even if it’s to someone you want to give it to.


And it’s not just Microsoft’s gaming brand that has such a policy. Some of the most popular digital gaming marketplaces have taken the same stance. If you want to pass your account to someone, looks like exchanging information the traditional way—via pen and paper—is the way to go.

Want to Pass Your Account On to Someone After Your Death? Valve Says Tough Luck

Accounts can't be transferred even if you want them to be.
Accounts can’t be transferred, even if you want them to be.

If you’re a meticulous person who wants to be prepared for the future, you probably have some systems in place to pass things on to people after your death.


If your digital gaming account was one of them, better to drop your plans now and figure out something else; almost none of the popular digital gaming marketplaces will let that happen.

It all started when someone on ResetEra contacted Steam support to figure out if they could transfer their account to someone else on account of their death through their will.

The support staff replied that it wasn’t possible, and the account was non-transferrable.

Source: delete12345 on ResetEra
Source: delete12345 on ResetEra.

This disappointed a lot of users who suggested workarounds, like writing your account info down, making sure the inheritor could access the 2FA authentication, etc.

Would this get past staff who can see a 100+-year-old account still active and buying games? We’ve yet to find that out, never mind that the platform might not even last that long.

It’s a Widespread Problem: Xbox and Other Companies Have Similar Policies

Xbox is just one of the many companies with strict account ownership policies.
Xbox is just one of the many companies with strict account ownership policies.

If you thought escaping to another platform would solve the problem, well, not really. As reported by Respawnfirst, Epic Games and GOG have the same policies.


GOG was much more cooperative, however, stating that it had more power to cooperate with a court order. It also mentioned its games are DRM-free, and people can save their collection on an external drive if they want to pass it down.

Even PlayStation and Xbox accounts face a similar ordeal, where people are unable to transfer them to others, even if their will includes it.

If you’re logged into an account that was made under a deceased individual’s name, be careful to not log out, or you might lose it all.


byu/ieatkittentails from discussion

It’s a sad state of affairs that you might not be able to pass on your rightfully bought games and content to someone you trust. In front of these policies, physical game collections look more and more appealing.

All you’d need to do is pass ownership of these assets, and the inheritors would have them even if they’re taken down from every digital marketplace.


What do you think about this whole situation? Are these companies right in not allowing the transfer of ownership of your accounts, or is it unfair? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 338

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.