“I will be decapitated by Hugh Jackman”: Ryan Reynolds Had the Scariest Experience Filming ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ With X-Men Star

Ryan Reynolds' terrifying encounter with Hugh Jackman's physicality on the set of Deadpool & Wolverine.

hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, deadpool


  • Speaking for People magazine, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman sat for a discussion ahead of the Deadpool & Wolverine release.
  • Addressing questions, Ryan Reynolds praised Hugh Jackman for showcasing remarkable physical prowess during filming.
  • Recounting a terrifying moment from the set, Reynolds recalled the imminent danger of being decapitated by Jackman.
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Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman set to release their upcoming Marvel movie Deadpool & Wolverine, recently pulled back the curtain on their electrifying collaboration during an interview for PEOPLE. Sharing plenty of anecdotes, the dynamic duo took fans on a rollercoaster ride while addressing highly anticipated questions.

Ryan Reynolds And Hugh jackman
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

During the discussion, addressing a particular question about whether their age impacted their performance in the movie, considering both stars are over 45, Ryan Reynolds recalled one on-set experience with Hugh Jackman. Responding to the question, Reynolds recounted his scariest experience watching Jackman deliver an intense fight sequence at 55.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Address Questions About Their Filming Experience

In a candid revelation, while sitting for a discussion on behalf of PEOPLE, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman recalled interesting tidbits from the set of their upcoming Marvel flick Deadpool & Wolverine. Addressing questions aimed at their on-set experience and overall career graph, Reynolds and Jackman came across the highly anticipated question about fight scenes and their physical prowess.


Considering both Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are over 45, fans have been curious to know how the actors delivered their intense fight sequences. Wondering about the challenges that the actors might have faced, fans’ curiosity was finally doused when Reynolds addressed the question about how their age affected their performance.

So this is a question that I think people might wanna know for both of us. What’s it like being over the age of 45 and trying to look like a superhero and move like an even younger Tom Holland? I’m aiming to move like Tom Hollander, who’s a little bit older. Reynolds joked.

deadpool 3
Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

I love that you somehow bracketed us together in that question, very generously by saying over 45. You can say 55, it’s ok. Jackman quipped.

As Ryan Reynolds responded to the question with his quick wit and humor, Hugh Jackman reminded fans how he’s over 55 and still managed to pull stunts in Deadpool & Wolverine. That’s when Reynolds recalled an anecdote from the set of their film, which shed light on Jackman’s intense physicality.

Ryan Reynolds Recounted a Scary Story Surrounding Hugh Jackman’s Physical Prowess

Following the question about how their growing age affected their performance, particularly during the fight scenes, Ryan Reynolds offered a scary story from the set of their upcoming movie. Revealing how while performing a stunt alongside Hugh Jackman, he realized the actor’s physical power and capabilities even at 55, Reynolds mentioned being dumbfounded by the actor’s performance.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool & Wolverine
Jackman and Reynolds in Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

I have some insight into you being 55 and doing Deadpool & Wolverine that I was… I couldn’t believe what I saw. With what you did physically for this movie. You hit your marks in those fight scenes with speed and confidence, the likes of which I’ve never seen. I don’t care if you’re 25, 35, 45 or 50. I could not believe what I saw.

While praising Hugh Jackman for putting otherworldly physical efforts into the movie, Ryan Reynolds recalled feeling worried about being decapitated by the star. Admitting how once in a while in the movie, Jackman’s character was supposed to throw punches at Reynolds’ Deadpool, the latter admitted wondering what would happen if the Wolverine actor genuinely hit him.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine.
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine | Marvel Studios

I was convinced, when you were coming at me a few times, there’s no way this guy is pulling his punches. I will be decapitated by Hugh Jackman and that will be his f*cking cross to bear, not mine.

Praising his co-star, the indomitable Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds reminded fans of Jackman’s remarkable physical capabilities. As the cameras rolled and the two actors engaged in a high-octane showdown, Reynolds noted how Jackman showcased his prowess by executing a series of jaw-dropping stunts with precision and agility.

Deadpool & Wolverine is scheduled to release on 26 July 2024. 


Written by Krittika Mukherjee

Articles Published: 1632

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1500 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn't crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.