Steven Spielberg Took a Big Gamble Before Making 7x Oscar Winning Movie, Waited 11 Years Because He Was Not Mature Enough

Steven Spielberg held back from immediately joining Schindler's List when he first heard about it, believing he lacked the maturity to handle the project.

steven spielberg, oscar
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Elena Ternovaja


  • Schindler's List stands as one of cinema's most profound contributions, helmed by Steven Spielberg.
  • However, understanding the depth and challenge of the subject, Spielberg waited over a decade before fully embracing the project.
  • In hindsight, both Spielberg and audiences are grateful for his decision. The film earned seven Oscars and garnered the type of recognition many directors aspire to throughout their careers.
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Schindler’s List is arguably one of the most significant additions to the world of cinema, crafted by none other than Steven Spielberg. However, recognizing the grittiness and complexity of the subject matter, the director waited for more than a decade before fully committing to the project.

Spielberg on the sets of the film. | Credit: HBO.
Spielberg on the sets of the film Schindler’s List | Credit: HBO.

Now, looking back, both Spielberg and audiences alike are glad he took the plunge. The film garnered seven Oscars and achieved the kind of acclaim many directors can only dream of in their entire careers.

Steven Spielberg Deemed Himself Not Mature Enough to Handle Schindler’s List

Steven Spielberg had been acquainted with the idea of the project Schindler’s List for a considerable length of time before he eventually brought it to life. However, he admitted that what he lacked back then was the courage and experience necessary to undertake such a monumental project.


In an interview with the Economic Times, the director shared some insights into the journey of how Schindler’s List materialized before hitting the big screen. He revealed,

The book, Schindler’s List, was purchased for me by Sid Sheinberg, head of Universal Studios, in 1982. I knew I was not old enough and mature enough to risk telling the story of the holocaust until I had more experience with adult stories and it took ‘The Color Purple’ and the ‘Empire of the Sun’ to give me the confidence I needed to direct Schindler’s List. I made the film 11 years after the book was purchased. I knew I had to tell the story one day, but didn’t want to tell it in the early 80s.

Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg at the 2017 SDCC (Credit: Gage Skidmore| Wikimedia Commons)

Spielberg explained that although Universal Studios presented him with compelling material as early as 1982, he realized he wasn’t quite ready to tackle the project just yet. So, he patiently waited for the right moment to arise. It wasn’t until 11 years later that the stars aligned, and Spielberg felt prepared to take on the challenge. He credited stories like The Color Purple and Empire of the Sun for giving him the strength and courage he needed.

Schindler’s List Is More Than Just A Cinema

Schindler’s List is a historical drama directed by Steven Spielberg, released in 1993. The film tells the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of over a thousand Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.


The movie won seven awards, including Best Picture, and received acclaim from both film critics and audiences. However, beyond its cinematic achievements, the film serves as a powerful reminder of the stories of heroism and survival during the Holocaust.

A still from Schindler's List
A still from Schindler’s List | Credit: HBO

It sheds light on the atrocities committed against the Jewish population and the resilience of those who endured them. Schindler’s List is not just a film, it is a testament to the human spirit and a call to remember the countless acts of courage and compassion that may have gone unnoticed during one of the darkest periods in history.

Schindler’s List is streaming on Amazon Prime.


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 892

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.