“DOOM is an indigenous design”: DOOM: The Dark Ages Origin Story Has Cherokee Influence, Would’ve Never Been Possible if Not for John Romero’s Need to Preserve His Native American Heritage

Uncover the Cherokee roots of Doom's creator, John Romero, and the indigenous influences that shaped this gaming masterpiece.

doom the dark ages


  • John Romero's Cherokee heritage deeply influenced the creation of Doom, infusing the game with elements of indigenous culture.
  • Romero's commitment to preserving his Native American roots not only shaped Doom's thematic elements but also its design philosophy.
  • DOOM: The Dark Ages, launching in 2025, transports players to a medieval war against Hell.
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In video game history, few titles have left a mark like DOOM, known as a pioneering force in the first-person shooter genre. The game’s legacy spans generations and has inspired countless studios. It set the standard for immersive gameplay.


At its core, the DOOM series is more than just games, they are a testament to the diverse and rich culture that surrounds the gaming landscape. And at the heart of this, lies the Cherokee heritage of one of its creators, John Romero.

The Dark Ages: Cherokee Lore and DOOM‘s Mythic World

John Romero, one of the masterminds behind DOOM, is a figure whose heritage is deeply connected with the game.
DOOM’s prequel called The Dark Ages launching in 2025 | id Software

John Romero, one of the masterminds behind DOOM, is a figure whose heritage is deeply connected with the game. Of both Yaqui and Cherokee ancestry, Romero’s connection to his Native American roots has been proven to be a driving force behind the creation of this groundbreaking title. 


While speaking about the origins of DOOM, Romero shed some light on how his culture has influenced the game’s development process. In his tweet, he said: 

My culture is important to me and influences my designs, particularly my level designs. We didn’t go away. We’re still here, influencing art, culture, science, and tech. DOOM is an Indigenous design.

With DOOM: The Dark Ages coming in 2025, it looks like the game is indirectly inspired by Romero’s Cherokee heritage. The Dark Ages will transport players to a realm of sinister medieval and fight a war against Hell. The game aims to show the past of the DOOM Slayer or fan’s nickname ‘Doomguy’ before he became the Hero of the world. 

With DOOM: The Dark Ages coming in 2025, it looks like the game is inspired by Romero's Cherokee heritage.
DOOM The Dark Ages is taking us back to the Medieval age | Bethesda Softworks on YouTube

The upcoming prequel will serve as a testament to Romero’s commitment to his heritage, as the game might not be directly influenced by his Indigenous roots, but it has surely taken some hints. As shown in the recent trailer, the game’s intricate level design and atmospheric storytelling look to once again immerse players in a world where the echoes of Indigenous culture resonate deeply.


Connecting Diversity and Cultural Representation in Gaming

Without Romero's need to preserve his Native American heritage, the game may never have been the groundbreaking experience that captured hearts of the audiences around the world
Romero’s heritage influenced the level design in the Original game | id Software’s DOOM

DOOM‘s emphasis on interconnected levels and nonlinear gameplay can be traced back to Romero’s admiration for the organic flow of nature, an idea deeply rooted in Indigenous cultures.

As the original game recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, it’s crucial to recognize the cultural influence that helped shape this title. Without Romero’s need to preserve his Native American heritage, the game may never have been the groundbreaking experience that captured the hearts of audiences around the world.

In the end, DOOM stands as a beacon of inclusivity in an industry often criticized for its lack of diversity and representation. The game showed that rich cultural influences can shape the world of gaming. 


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 141

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.