Beyond the Spider-Verse: Chris Miller Vows to “Never” Do the One Thing Even Avengers: Infinity War is Guilty of

While it has only recently become a trend in the mainstream, AI has been a part of the production cycle since at least 2017's Logan .

beyond the spider-verse, avengers: infinity war


  • Chris Miller, taking to X, talked about how his upcoming Spider-Verse film will not use generative AI.
  • AI Usage is becoming increasingly common in Hollywood, being used for everything from casting decisions to box office estimates.
  • Audiences have had a largely negative perception of AI being used for film and television due to the final product it generates and the ethical dilemmas it raises.
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Marvel has had multiple properties in the market that have been making a lot of money for the company. Be it the Spider-Man properties under Sony, the MCU, or the video games that are being served up as console exclusives, Marvel has been dominating the superhero market in every way possible.

Spider-Man’s nanotech suit in Avengers: Infinity War
Spider-Man’s nanotech suit in Avengers: Infinity War | Marvel Studios

However, despite the company essentially firing on all cylinders, there seems to be a marked difference in how these properties are produced. That has to be the case, given that different studios handle the projects handed to them differently, but there is one thing that Chris Miller said Sony Animation is never going to do, that seems to be becoming the industry norm, even being used in the making of films like Logan and Avengers: Infinity War.

Unlike Avengers: Infinity War, Beyond the Spider-verse endeavors to keep AI out of its production

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse || Sony Animation

In a report from Forbes Magazine, it was revealed that Hollywood has been increasingly reliant on AI to predict everything from box office numbers to casting choices for films with narratives and themes. This has been done for massively successful films like James Mangold’s Logan and Avengers: Infinity War, along with more than a few DC ventures, where software such as ScriptAnalysis, Cinelyctic, and FaceDirector have been used to analyze scripts, make casting decisions, and improve CGI.


Chris Miller, taking to X (via MSN), has made it abundantly clear that Beyond the Spider-verse, the third entry in Sony’s animated Miles Morales trilogy, will not use any sort of generative AI in its production. While other films and studios associated with Marvel have no issue with such tech, the recent rise in AI and the quality drop that has been attributed to it has gotten audiences and fans more concerned about its usage to create films and other IPs.

There is also the ethical question of the data that the AI is trained on, and whether the creators of the data are being compensated adequately for their work being employed (albeit indirectly) in big-budget productions.

Generative AI in entertainment is an idea that people are going take some time to warm up to

Samuel L. Jackson as Director Nick Fury in a still from Secret Invasion
Secret Invasion used Generative AI in its opening credits

An article from The Hollywood Reporter talked about how AI is becoming more commonplace in Hollywood, and that people are just afraid to admit it, given all the negative press that it has received. Variety published a report of its own, that highlighted the attitudes that people have developed towards AI in entertainment in general. While people are happy to interact with artificial intelligence as part of the experience, using generative AI in works still leaves a sour taste in the mouths of consumers.


There seem to be very strong negative associations about the use of AI among audiences when it comes to it being used in television and films. Given that Generative AI usually fails to measure up to real art, and the fact that it endangers a lot of jobs in the industry, AI might take more than a few moments to warm up to the industry and might function as a skill requirement for jobs rather than a replacement for personnel, despite what industry leaders might be trying to do.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 735

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.