“Give me the good old Gears”: Gears of War E-Day Pulling Back on 1 Much-Maligned Feature From Gears of War 5

The franchise returns to its origins.

Gears of War E-Day


  • The Coalition left all the fans very excited with the first trailer for Gears of War E-Day.
  • Some details of the game were revealed in a recent article, indicating that it will be much more linear than the last two installments, which have been well-received by players.
  • The game will lack any kind of open-world elements, something some fans did not enjoy as much in games like Gears of War 5.
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Achieving an incredible presentation at the Xbox Games Showcase, Microsoft introduced a spectacular trailer for Gears of War E-Day. While many fans were expecting a sixth installment in the saga, The Coalition, the studio behind the game, decided to go back in time with a prequel about how it all started. 


Some details about this game are being confirmed, making fans even more excited to try it out. Unlike Gears of War 5, it appears that it will have fewer open-world elements and be more linear, going back to the original path of these games.

Gears of War E-day Revealed Several Details That Made Fans Very Happy

Gears of War E-Day is making fans very happy.
Gears of War E-Day is making fans very happy.

As one of the best news stories from the Xbox event and after numerous rumors, The Coalition finally confirmed Gears of War E-Day. This game will serve as a prequel to everything we have seen so far in the saga, presenting for the first time how the Locust emerged from the ground and started the war against humans. One of the things already known about this title is that it will be much more violent than any other.


Once this event concluded, the reactions on social media about this new game in Microsoft’s beloved franchise were completely positive. Today, several new details about this title were revealed. One of the confirmations is that it will not be open-world or as expansive as Gears of War 5, but will return to being almost completely linear.

This decision aligns with the expectations of fans who felt that the franchise had strayed from its core mechanics, and whilst Gears of War 5 featured a good story and that cliffhanger, it didn’t offer the same classic feeling as the earlier games in the franchise, something Gears of War E-Day looks to fix.

The Gears of War Saga Returns to Its Origins in Every Sense

Gears of War is going back to the origins of the franchise.
Gears of War is going back to the origins of the franchise.

This game, like the third installment of the franchise, will delve into deep and melancholic themes, referring to how difficult this war against these deadly creatures is.


It will use Unreal Engine 5 and be more brutal than ever, making the Locust much more threatening than any other game in the saga. It will also feature a large amount of excessive action, which is a trademark of this franchise.

The article also describes many things that are part of the identity of these games, such as the ability to play co-op on the same screen. The Coalition is fully active and focused on the development of this game, which does not yet have a release date but is expected to be available sometime in 2025. Fans hope it will be one of the best games in the entire third-person action saga. These games were the most successful in the Xbox 360 era.

Xbox did not miss the opportunity to capture all gamers’ attention with an incredible list of games coming in the next months and years for this platform. Fans were thrilled to see all the games they would be able to play and the quality they possessed. This could be a significant advantage for the company, giving it a chance to recover sales in the near future through aggressive brand expansion.


What are your thoughts on these newly revealed details? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 641

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.