“We cringed every time”: Battlefield 1 Devs Never Wanted to Include the Most Iconic Multiplayer Feature Most Call of Duty Fans Wished They had

Uncover the untold tale of how horses dashed into Battlefield 1's multiplayer, defying initial doubts and reshaping gameplay forever.

Battlefield 1


  • Battlefield 1 developers initially hesitated to include horses in multiplayer, fearing gameplay imbalances and disruptions.
  • Recognizing the historical significance of cavalry in World War I, they embraced the challenge, integrating horses to enhance authenticity and immersion.
  • The inclusion of horses set a new standard in AAA gaming, showcasing Battlefield's commitment to innovation.
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When discussing first-person shooter games, two titles come to mind first, Battlefield and Call of Duty. Both of these series have carved their names in the gaming landscape with their immersive gameplay and engaging combat. 


Passionate fans even defend their preferred franchise. Amidst all the heated debates over which game reigns supreme, there’s one feature that Battlefield 1 has which all the Call of Duty players want. Yet, Developers at DICE never wanted to include horses in the game. 

Embracing Historical Authenticity: Battlefield 1‘s Journey in Overcoming Challenges

Battlefield 1 was released in 2016
Battlefield 1 focused on historical accuracy and was based on World War 1 | DICE

Battlefield 1, set in the chaos of World War I, when released. was a major departure from its modern and futuristic predecessors. Developers wanted to focus on historical accuracy and introduced many immersive gameplay features. The main aim was to capture the brutal essence of the Great War.


However, when it came to incorporating horses into the multiplayer component, the team initially hesitated. In an interview, Design Director Lars Gustavsson shed some light on why they were hesitant about adding horses. 

When we started this project, everyone said, ‘Oh you’ve got to have horses!’, and we cringed every time. We did want to have them but it’s quite an undertaking, getting horses into a multiplayer game like this, but now we’re particularly proud of the horses.

Design Director Lars Gustavsson shed some light on why they were hesitant about adding horses.
Developers were hesitant at first but later embraced the addition of horses. | DICE’s Battlefield 1

Before the release of Battlefield 1, horses had not been included in any AAA multiplayer games, making it the first one to feature them. The developers were hesitant at first. However, as the development progressed, the team was able to recognize the historical importance of cavalry in World War I and the opportunity it presented for diverse gameplay experiences.

The addition of horses introduced a new perspective to Battlefield’s multiplayer. It offered players the chance to experience the thrill of mounted combat across vast landscapes, while also maintaining the historical accuracy of the war. 


Impact and Significance: Setting a Precedent in AAA Gaming

It set a precedent for AAA multiplayer titles, demonstrating that historical accuracy and unique features could coexist and not disrupt the competitive gaming environment.
Battlefield showed that games can maintain historical accuracy with immersive gameplay. | DICE

From charging into enemy lines to providing a swift overview of the battlefield and flanking enemies, horses became an integral part of the Battlefield 1 experience. They not only enriched the gameplay but also showcased the dedication of the development team to innovation.

They set a precedent for AAA multiplayer titles, demonstrating that historical accuracy and unique features could coexist and not disrupt the competitive gaming environment. 

While Call of Duty fans might envy the inclusion of horses in Battlefield 1, their reactions also served as a testament to DICE’s commitment to pushing boundaries and innovating the multiplayer experience. As players mounted their horses and charged headlong into the battle, it was clear that in the world of Battlefield, innovation knew no bounds.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 141

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.