“Clearly something they are trying to force into this movie”: ‘Blade’ Update Has Fans Seething, Rumors Claim Marvel is Pushing an Agenda

As a second director quits the project, fans are more than a little tiffed about how Marvel is handling Blade.



  • Marvel's Blade project has lost it's second director as Yann Demange quits the IP.
  • Fans have been enraged by the manner in which they perceive Blade is being handled, given that talented artists keep quitting the show.
  • Marvel has a long road to recovery, and will need more than just Deadpool & Wolverine to come back on track.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is being much more careful with what it’s releasing, given the year that it had in 2023. 2024 is seeing the Studio release only one film, Deadpool & Wolverine, after which the Studio is going to wait till 2025 for its next release. However, it seems that fans are convinced that there is no course correction on the way, given the latest update on Marvel’s Mahershala Ali-led Blade.

Blade || Marvel Comics
Blade || Marvel Comics

Marvel lost another director for Blade, as it has been revealed that Yann Demange, the second director who was on-boarded for the project after Bassam Tariq, who was the first choice for Marvel to head the show. Fans on the internet are furious, given that this would cause further delays for Blade to make his debut in the MCU, despite the actor being cast for the role and even teased at the end of Eternals.

Fans believe Marvel has an agenda that directors do not want to comply with for Blade

Marvel's Blade
Blade || Marvel

Since the tease in the post-credit scene of Eternals, Blade seems to be a project that cannot get here soon enough, but the material has not even begun production, given that directors keep quitting the IP before any meaningful progress can be made. Fans are sure that the directors are quitting because Disney has something to say with the project, something that might be detrimental to the character of Blade and the story he deserves.



Fans are enraged about the quality of work that Marvel Studios has been delivering to fans lately, especially with Disney at the helm of it all. Given the way the Star Wars IP has been suffering, fans are skeptical that the Marvel property will also meet a similar fate, with creatives who do not agree with Disney’s ‘flawed’ vision for the IP getting sidelined in lieu of yes-men and women who are just interested in working with Disney and little else.


Marvel will need more than just Deadpool & Wolverine to win back fans

A shot of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from Deadpool & Wolverine trailer | Marvel Entertainment
A shot of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from Deadpool & Wolverine trailer || Marvel Entertainment

A lot is riding on a project like Deadpool & Wolverine, the success of which will determine if Marvel still has sway with its core audience. However, Marvel Studios will have to succeed with more than Deadpool & Wolverine. A host of films that are upcoming need to perform well with fans, so as to restore the faith of the fans in the brand, especially given that Captain America: Brave New World will start the process of assembling a new team of heroes to carry the Avengers banner.

Projects in the future are going to be under a lot more scrutiny from fans, which is going to mean that Marvel might not get away with some things that it did in the past. As the divide between critics and fans grows ever wider, there needs to be a focus on pleasing fans, who will ultimately decide how the franchise ultimately works at the box office.


Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 717

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.